
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Support the Fugees Family!

Dear Friends,

This summer in partnership with Agnes Scott College, we ran a six week summer academic camp for 86 boys. Each day we biked five miles to the college, read, wrote poems, performed group challenges and biked back to Clarkston. I would like to share with you one of my favorite poems written by the boys:

I am like a river eroding a mountain
Sometimes soldiers sob
I'm from a country where you always hear boom or pow.
I am a man of duties.
Sometimes I wonder if the bombing and killing will ever stop.
Sometimes my secrets are exposed. I am a secret swept under the rug.
Sometimes I try to fly. Sometimes I'm frightened to cry.
I am a leader who fights for his people.
I'm from a nation of destruction and war.
I'm from a marvelous galaxy.
I'm from a terrorizing place.
I am Menace Balegamire a unique and special kid.

I remember watching Menace recite his poem this summer at our showcase. He stood up in front of 200 people, recited his poem and showed us the movie he had made to go with it. I remember nodding my head when he said he was a unique and special kid. Knowing that all our kids are and that we want to provide the best for them. The best programs, the best teachers, the best opportunities.

Some days the kids ask what it is that I do all day. I try to explain to them my daily routine of running the organization, managing a staff, fundraising, and keeping them all in line. One of the kids gave the most accurate job description: "You write letters, you talk to people, you coach, and you fire people."

Last night as I was catching up on emails I came across America's Giving Challenge on Facebook. This is an opportunity for us to raise money and win $50,000 for our organization. To do this we need you get involved and give. If you have ever thought about giving to us now is the time. We need every person to give and to get their friends to give. There are 3600 people on this list. If every person who reads this email gives then we will win this competition hands down. Your $10 daily donation could increase 8 fold when we win this competition. No organization can sit back in this economy and expect money to just come in. I ask you to commit yourself to giving $10/day for five days in this challenge. I am personally committing to giving $10/day for the duration of the challenge (29 days) because I have 86 boys and their families who are all "unique and special." And I believe our Fugees Family can do this.

Click for America's Giving Challenge: Team Fugees

Coach Luma
Share this on your Facebook Page and help the team win this challenge!
Also, check out Coach Luma's blog - it's much better than this one!
Many of these kids are students in DeKalb County Schools - they need our support. Please donate!

1 comment:

  1. We have three Fugee children on Austin's soccer team and they are such a joy.

    This is such a great cause.

    I am in.


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