
Friday, August 27, 2010

Stakeholder Input On Board Of Education Policy Revisions

August 26, 2010

MEMO TO: All DeKalb County School System Employees

FROM: Mrs. Ramona Tyson, Interim Superintendent

The purpose of this memorandum is to inform you that the DeKalb County School System (DCSS) has undertaken a Comprehensive Policy Revision Initiative (CPRI). The CPRI will consist of an internal team of DCSS employees conducting an exhaustive and comprehensive review of all Board policies, regulations, and exhibits published in the on-line policy manual. Presently, the DeKalb County Board of Education has approximately 250 policies. This comprehensive review will be completed based on a strategically aligned 18 to 24 month timeline. As a result of CPRI, all policies and the associated regulations and exhibits will be reviewed and placed in one of the following categories:

1. No Action Required
2. Revise
3. Eliminate
4. Create a New Policy

As a valued stakeholder of the DeKalb County School System, and in compliance with Board of Education policies regarding soliciting input on policy revisions, we invite you to participate in this critical process by providing your input as we begin this process.

The initial phase consists of four critical policies that have been fast-tracked for Board approval and adoption on August 31, 2010. These policies include the Purchasing Policy, Code of Ethics Policy for Employees, Staff Conflict of Interest Policy, and Whistleblower Policy. These four policies will be available for you to provide comments from August 26 through midnight, August 28, 2010. Due to the criticality and need to fast track these policies, this initial phase consists of a short window of opportunity to provide input; however, as the process continues to move forward, ample time will be afforded for stakeholder comments.

In order to provide input, a link has been created on the DCSS home page. Once you reach the home page at, you will see a link entitled “Click Here for Pending Policies”. Once you click that link, you will be re-directed to the eBoard home page. There you will see a section on the right side of the web page titled “Pending Policies” and the policies for review will be listed underneath. Upon clicking the link for the policy, you will be able to read the pending policy and at the bottom of the policy submit your name, email address, and desired comments. The comments will be compiled and submitted to the Board of Education.

Thank you in advance for your time and valuable input into this important process.


Editor's note: I noticed there is also a new link for the Superintendent Search.


  1. I smell a trap....

  2. "These four policies will be available for you to provide comments from August 26 through midnight, August 28, 2010.'"

    DCSS should have had organized meetings so all citizens could contribute - not just those with email addresses - we have quite a few people that can't afford Internet access, and those people are just as much citizens as anyone else in the county. With 1200+ people in the county office, why couldn't the DCSS administration have had face to face meetings with citizens?

    DCSS needs open face-to-face organized meetings in schools throughout the county in order to gain valuable input from DeKalb taxpayers. Consensus building needs to happen in a grassroots manner. That's the way other systems set policy with citizen involvement.

    SACS should get emails from DeKalb County citizens regarding the level of citizen input they expect of DCSS. Is an email sufficient (now and/or in the future, or do they expect real face-to-face involvement on the part of citizens?.

    If you email SACS about this, and get a reply, please publish it on this blog. If you email SACS and they don't reply, then publish that fact as well.

    Dos anyone else think Ms. Tyson and the DCSS administration will try to handle all of this by email and then call it stakeholder involvement? That's exactly what happened in the budgetary process, and that's why hundreds of low level schoolhouse based personnel lost their jobs, 100 teacher positions were eliminated, and there are children sitting in huge classes all over DeKalb.

  3. " The CPRI will consist of an internal team of DCSS employees conducting an exhaustive and comprehensive review of all Board policies, regulations, and exhibits published in the on-line policy manual. "

    You have got to be kidding me...

    Not only are the lunatics running the asylum, they are going to be reviewing their own policies as well.

    Am I missing something here?

  4. I'm not a teacher.... Ok. This went to "employees," right? They want comments on policies, including that regarding "whistleblowers," right? But they want the stakeholders (e.g., employees) to provide personal information - name, phone, address, etc.? Hmmmmmmm.
    And this on top of the fact that they are opening up the door for comments outside of work week hours. My gut reaction is they really don't want valid, valuable input.

  5. Now I'm confused.

    Put the following together then, if you can, please explain it to me....

    "...four critical policies that have been fast-tracked for Board approval and adoption on August 31, 2010."

    "These four policies will be available for you to provide comments from August 26 through midnight, August 28, 2010."

    " the process continues to move forward, ample time will be afforded for stakeholder comments."

    UMMMM. If they are voting on these four policies on MONDAY, how is ample time afforded for stakeholder comments?

    I really don't get it.

  6. This is a dog-and-pony show being put on for SACS.

  7. @ anonymous 3:37
    Which is why SACS needs to be emailed to see if 24 hours by email is what they consider stakeholder involvement.

  8. My interpretation is that these policies have to do with employees and employee conduct thus they were notified. These are probably being fasttracked because of the recent book purchasing scandal.

    I also interpret the comment about ample time being provided for stakeholder input referring to the other 246 policies (excluding these 4).

    Can anyone else see this in the memo? Note who the target audience is in the 'Memo To:' line.

  9. @ 3:59 - if it is the case that she is alluding the ample time for comments on the other items, given the recent transgressions this is a huge problem.

    However, I'm not sure that this is what she means. My recall of correct grammar and meaning in writing is that you should separate ideas from each other by using paragraphs. She merely uses a semicolon, separating comments about these four items from the ample review later comment.

    I'm the 3:33 poster. It is the way that the letter was written, technically, that led to my confusion. Add this to the fact that it is addressed to employees. Are they not seeking comments/input from the public. If not for this blog, I would not know about the possibility.

  10. "...August 26 through midnight, August 28, 2010. Due to the criticality and need to fast track these policies, this initial phase consists of a short window of opportunity to provide input; however, as the process continues to move forward, ample time will be afforded for stakeholder comments."

    Indeed, she says for "adoption" at the next meeting. Such would preclude adequate stakeholder input, wouldn't it?

  11. @ Anonymous 3:50

    Yes. This was to employees. Do you think 24 hours is enough notice for teachers to give input? I don't. I've been a teacher, and the first of school is brutal - especially with the increased class sizes and paperwork requirements from the Central Office. I'm still betting that there won't be any active organized involvement. This will be handled "electronically" via emails to satisfy SACS requirements. Look at the budget questionnaire/emails. Does anyone think teachers really wanted teaching positions eliminated and schoolhouse employees fired? A tiny fraction of employees even responded. That lets you know how much they think of the sincerity of the DCSS administration input solicitation. Ms. Tyson and the DCSS administration have a long way to go to gain teacher trust and support. IMHO an email they need to answer in 2 days at their busiest time of the year is not the way to go.

  12. @ 4:10, point taken regarding how it was written. I suspect this was an internal memo/email that was shared with Cerebration who posted it. I have to assume that was the intended audience to consume it and not the general public. Posting it on the blog should not imply the memo was meant for the community to comment on it though we can since it is accessible on the public website.

  13. No doubt the report submitted to SACS will include:

    An internal team of DCSS employees conducted an exhaustive and comprehensive review of all Board policies, regulations, and exhibits published in the on-line policy manual. We solicited valuable input from all stakeholders and:
    67.5% of the employees surveyed said blah, balh, blah...
    83% of the employees surveyed said blah, blah, blah....

    More blah, blah, blah,....including the words "strategically aligned" and "critical"..."data"...blah, blah....

  14. Are there categories that the employees mark? I'll bet there are. And the categories are coming from above - not from what stakeholders really believe are important.

  15. I should have clarified -- Actually, we received the memo from several sources - some employees, some parent organizations (which were addressed as such). The content of the memo was exactly the same.

    I truly don't understand the rush on these first few policies. Are they concerned about more book-selling next month?

    BTW - how did the Butler hearing turn out today?

  16. Cerebration asks,

    *BTW - how did the Butler hearing turn out today? *

    In fairness, we probably won't hear unless there is a press release. Hearings are considered personnel matters with a right to privacy. Unless Dr. Butler or her sister says something in the interim, we may not know about this until the next personnel report.

  17. I hope Ron Ramsey, retired but still on payroll Melvin Tucker, and the rest of the DCSS Internal Affairs staff get ZERO input on the whistleblower policy, residency check policy, nepotism/cronyism policy, etc., etc.

    What does that divison do? How is Ramsey allowed to take off two plus months each year as a state senator, plus he owns or co-owns multiple businesses.

  18. If Ramona Tyson is serious about anything, she'll make sure our TEACHERS have plentiful input, and even lead some sub-committees. We have hundreds of wonderful teachers...and the Central Office never gives them any credit for the wonderful, knowledgeable resource they are.

  19. Ramona will trumpet the policy that she gave everyone a chance to comment.

    Having the the DCSS administrators review the policies is like giving the fox the keys to the hen house and gags to keep the hems quiet as he devours them.

  20. Ramona,

    Your damned if you do...your damned if you don't...

    There is no winning here.

  21. IMO

    The point is real diffent in my opinion. The board is working with SAC closing to make sure they do what SAC expects them to do. SAC has reviewed the school systems responses and has returned them with comments now and the school system is responding by passing policies which cover the expectations that SAC expects the Dekalb County School Board to have in place. Yes the School Board wants feedback from the community and the employees. However, currently it is more important that the Dekalb County School Board follow the guidance given by SACS. SACS is currently working with the school system regarding the deficits the school system has and is trying to help the school system improve. Every time the school system goes through a review process it is review how the school system can become a better school system. This is what is happening now.

    The policies will be approved on August 31st to comply with the suggestions or guidance given by SACS.

    I am interested to see what Oliver has to say at her meeting coming up though.

    EAS-Lakeside High School Parent

  22. There is not trap.

    It is simple CYA as SAC has requested.


  23. EAS: So, the process with SACS is not an open process? You are saying that they have done this work in conjunction with SACS prior to the due date of the responses? I've tried to follow numerous blogs and the DCSS website to keep up on the status of the inquiries and I had no idea this was going on. How can I get the same information to which you are privvy? Shouldn't we all have access to the same information?

  24. Will these policies apply only now forward, or will they grandfather in current employees, board members and facilities?

  25. I am saying without a doubt that the school system is working in conjunction with SAC and making recommendations to the school board. SAC has already seen the first responses from the school board and made recommendations so revisions could be made. SAC is working with the school system to improve the DeKalb County School System. The school system would be put on probation before anything major would ever happen regarding acreditation.

    Now the problems are serious enough for SACs to address but SAC is working with the school system and the school system is using the support available to them.

    On August 31st I am assuming that the new policies will be past that will cover the deficits that were cited by SACS and that the school system needed to answer questions about. By providing the answers ahead of time and SACS responding the school system knows how to get the most immediate issues address by the time the answer is officially due to SAC. The school system then has policies in place to address the deficit areas that SAC is concerned about.


  26. The policies would have to be in place from this point forward.


  27. @ EAS

    If DCSS had wanted to do the right thing, they would not have been forced by SACS to develop ethics policies. These policies would have been in place and followed. It's pretty amazing that a billion dollar public entity would not have a tightly written ethics policy for employees.

    I'm just appalled that SACS has not asked for any of this before now. It seems like if they had asked for a tightly written ethics policy before, we may have avoided much of the adverse impact to our students. I always assumed SACS was monitoring the ethics policies of the school systems they accredit.

  28. I have heard acschool board members discuss how the process is happening which was very helpful and this was what was explained to a group of us. It was interesting to know how SAC was working with the School System. I think most of us had a very different impression. I had a very different impression myself. When I heard the school board member discuss this it cleared many misconceptions up for me so I am sharing the information to help others understand. I hope this helps.


  29. I totally agree. However, I have said this for years. I know all too well how unethical many administrators in the Dekalb County School System are.

    I saw corruptions years ago as an employee. I believe things should be fair, ethical and equal for all people. I fought as an employee to get things changed and realized I was wasting my energy. However, I also used in be a bull in a china closet or a fighter pilot. I now know that nothing get accomplished this way.

    Hopefully SAC will work with the school system to make changes. I am so extremely happy that they have gotten involved. I am also extremely happy finally our leaders under the gold dorm, and our business leaders in Dekalb have began to take an active role.

    The Chamber of Commerce is involved. The Newspaper is South DeKalb is having a forum with the SW Dekalb PTA. The business leaders are actively getting information and preparing to publish information and interviewing school board candidates in September. Many things are happening behind the scenes. Many groups of individuals are getting involved that have never been involved before. These groups of individuals want change. SAC wants change. I do believe change will come finally little at a time and I am happy to see people in Dekalb finally involved.

    Many people on this blog also have been actively involved and it matters. If you want change it will come.


  30. EAS: Clearly things are going on behind the scenes. But isn't this part of the problem? I'm a parent who wants to be involved, but I hear from you in this forum that you, "have heard acschool board members discuss how the process is happening which was very helpful and this was what was explained to a group of us."

    Why just a few? Again, how do the rest of us get the information first hand? Where is the tranparency and why is this information only available to a few?

  31. I wonder if Butler was fired today. Maybe, she will call another press conference. I'm thinking that she did not get away with stealing money by writing out a huge check for herself and her sibling.
    We love to know what actually happen today! Remember, Butler did say that she would be vindicated on the charges. Cannot really see how, but ,we know DCSS( Ramsey) will look out for family and friends.
    I wonder if he was presiding over (Butler)the hearing? This scheme of Butler is something that he (Ramsey)should have uncovered long ago instead of wasting taxpayers money and defending members of the Family and Friends Plan of DCSS.

  32. There is no way we should have to follow a whistleblower policy when we have Internal Affairs. If we do Ramsey's job, then when do we get some of his pay? This office uncovers only what they want to. This is evident from the book selling and lewis corruption mess.

  33. This is just another way to pacify SACS with no real change taking place or the current administrators will just gain more unnecessary control. I do not expect much positive change from this. I also do not expect teachers to have enough time to get the survey done. This is a busy time of year and they should have been given more time to do it, as this should not have to be done on their own time this weekend.

  34. Speaking of policies, the DCSS Athletic Dept. has no control over its many renegade coaches.

    DCSS Athletic Director Ron Seebree. He is also incredibly in over his head. He has no admin skills and no control over too many aspects of his program. Heck, he and his staff can't ever even order uniforms on time.

    Hazing is simply unacceptable, and it doesn't happen when an athletic director sets the tone, sending the message that hazing won't happen here and if it does, the coach is out of a job and the offending players won't play here.

  35. I heard this is a meeting that was an open forum for all to come and hear. It was not a private meeting.
    The board member just happened to be present and was kind enough to answer questions about the situation.

    I think the big problem is that we need to ask the board members questions instead of assuming things. I was shocked as others were shocked as to the involvement of SAC in the process. However, this is the purpose of SAC when you really think about it. The school system evaluates itself before SAC comes in and tries to set a plan to make improvements. SAC also evaluates the school systems after the school system does its own evaluation and makes its own recommendations and set acredidates school systems. I am sure this board member would have answered the same questions if asked at any function that he was at if requested.

  36. Is dale davis still working for dekalb? I haven't seen him on the tv lately.

  37. @ Anonymous 10;31

    "However, this is the purpose of SAC when you really think about it. The school system evaluates itself before SAC comes in and tries to set a plan to make improvements. SAC also evaluates the school systems after the school system does its own evaluation and makes its own recommendations and set acredidates school systems. "

    What is happening in DeKalb with SACS is not the normal process with SACS. SACS is a controlled and deliberate evaluation that occurs in a cyclical manner.

    This is very different. SACS is coming into DeKalb because of the indictment of the superintendent and the second in command on RICO charges, the selling of goods and services to the county by a BOE member, principals buying their own books with DCSS funds, etc.

    All of our BOE members have turned a blind eye to the questionable ethical behavior and if Lewis and Pope/Reid are convicted criminal actions of administrators in DCSS and even fellow BOE members. This has had an adverse effect on our students - we have the least number of schools making AYP in metro Atlanta. In addition, we spend the most for administration and support and gain the least for students.

  38. "These four policies will be available for you to provide comments from August 26 through midnight, August 28, 2010.'"

    You've got to be kidding me! I just got the email from DCPC. I just heard this for the first time this afternoon. They expect people to reply in 48 hours! I plan to ask Ramona how the heck she thinks people don't have lives on Friday and Saturdays.

    Please tell me this was a joke! Now we hear we have 40 million sitting in a trash can under Popes old desk! Nice job DCSS! What kind of surprises will be next?

  39. "These four policies will be available for you to provide comments from August 26 through midnight, August 28, 2010.'"

    So on opening weekend of High School Football, school activities on Saturday, we have Campus beautification at Montgomery. Ms. Tyson sends out a memo dated Friday, August 27th, giving parents 24 hours to respond.. Appalling and that's a nice word! I plan to respond all right!

    You know what I think? I think they had no intention on asking the parents. They introduced this policy review on August 9th, I watched Tyson introduce it. They were going to present the BOE with the first 4 policies listed at the Aug. 31st meeting.. But something happened this week. the DeKalb Neighbor Newspaper printed an article about the Decatur School district announcing public input meetings on their vision for the next 5 years! I promise you someone saw that and asked Ms. Tyson had she gotten any public input? I'm sure the "cabinet" said no and said well you better get some.

    Do you honestly think someone is going to include the public input on a Sunday and Monday before the meeting?

    This is outrageous and the folks who do not read their emails until Sunday have no say in these 4 policies.

    Every PTA President as well as PTA District leadership need to get on the phone and write a letter to Tyson demanding more time. Every PTA president's name in DeKalb needs to sign this letter. Here is a great chance for the PTA/PTSA's to help the parents and teachers of DeKalb.

    This is the most inept bunch of "leaders" I've ever seen. We appreciate the chance to provide input, but less than 30 hours? PLease!

  40. Is Ramona Tyson really seeking input from the parents? Is this "short window of opportunity" reasonable?

    My wife and I just printed the 4 policies that they would like input on. It totals 21 pages of legalese. The first paragraph of the first policy has the word "promulgated" hey Ramona do you know what that word means? Does your staff know what that word means? You've given parents a little more than 24 hours to offer input on 21 pages of legalese.

    Personally, I'm amazed that Ramona was able to send an email out of the Palace, since MIS has been a disaster this week at the schools.

    Ms. Tyson, please tell us the truth, the documents you are presenting to the board on the 31st are already written, aren't they? I cannot imagine any one person or group of DCSS personnel, reading at minimum 200 responses in time to write a new policy and have it reviewed by lawyers in time to present.

    How many responses do you think they will receive in such a short time?

    I'm off to read the 21 pages and will respond after little league and campus beautification day at our DCSS school tomorrow.

  41. I submitted comments on each policy. I figure with the short notice, my voice might get heard.

    1. SACS isn't the bogeyman, they will ask for this and that, and DeKalb will jump, and it will get done. 2. If DeKalb just goes through the motions (like asking for comments 24 hours before they are due) they will be called to the carpet, but SACS will still try to work it through, asking them to jump again.

    Very few school systems ever lose accreditation - Clayton did, and before that it was a school district four decades earlier:

    As long as the board keeps jumping, they'll stay above water. Clayton just didn't jump high enough - and then they drowned.

  42. Anonymous, 1:05 this was the same picture I got.

    I agree that SACs has decided to come in and intervene because of the corruption and the micro-management of the school board members. There also has been too much conflict of interest and dealing behind the scene which only benifits the school board members. Many of the current school board members need the income as they are retired and use this income to supplement their retirement income. There family members depend on their family member as a school board member also to help them move up the ladder to get raised or keep their job when times get hard.

    Some of these school board members also have had a hold on the mentor positions for college students in the summer. Some of the school board members do not know what professional ethics are.

  43. Guys it really does not matter what any of us have to say. These policies will pass so that the school board can tell SACs that they now have the correct procedures in place to take care of the concerns SACs had. This is an emergency situation to get these policies past to meet the deadlines of SAC's reply. The school board can make emergency decisions without letting the policy sit on the table for 30 days. Maybe this is an emergency. However, I have noticed the school board does not always follow their own policies to start with. They follow them when it is to their best interest. However, they have not followed them regarding parent involvement regarding hiring principals in the past. Instead they changed the policy after the fact. They have not follow the policies regarding teachers notice regarding change in pay and after violation of the notices for over a year they changed the policy to meet their needs. To this school board policies appear not to be worth the paper they are written on.

  44. I am hoping that many of you WILL send in your suggestions. Employees - if you are uneasy about sending in your real suggestions, send them here to the blog from your personal address and we'll compile them and send them to Tyson. Nobody knows exactly what kinds of policies need to be set in order to stop the fraud and bloat like inside employees.

  45. Does everyone understand these are revisions to CURRENT policies? These are not new, they are merely tightening up policies that have holes. These have been on the school system website FOR YEARS for EVERYONE to review and comment on. There has NEVER been an attempt to keep this information from anyone.

    Does everyone also know that employees annually review a presentation on ethics policies? It goes over the do's and don'ts for the employee behavior. Every year, parents sign Code of Conduct contracts for their children. We also sign the syllabi for classes indicating we understand the POLICIES that pertain to that subject.

    Had to get that off because some of you are going of the deep end with conspiracy talk. Stephen King is NOT looking to write a novel about this.

  46. @ Anonymous 8:44 am

    "Does everyone also know that employees annually review a presentation on ethics policies?"

    Yes. I sat through many of these, but the appearance is that teachers are subject to ethics inquiries while administrators can break ethics rules with impunity.

    The administrators sat in these classes too so those who did not behave ethically cannot say they didn't know any better. When you have the top administration breaking those policies, and a BOE member threatening to slug someone, what kind of example is that for teachers and children? That's what taxpayers,parents, teachers and students are upset about.

    A greater concern than tightening the ethics policies is the fact that the Internal Investigations department did not investigate higher level administrators or support these ethics policies.

    The entire department Internal Investigations department needs to be replaced. Did they really not know what was going on - particularly if Lewis is convicted of taking female school system employees on personal trips with DCSS taxpayer money? If this is true, did any of those female employees receive promotions? Answers to these questions are critical.

    DCSS can tighten up the ethics policies all they want and SACS may be satisfied, but if the Internal Investigations department refuses to investigate, then DCSS has accomplished nothing in the way of ethics reform and taxpayers know it.

  47. Son of awcomeonnow saying....
    The time frame that Tyson is giving for the persons that are actually paying the bills is preposterous.
    How it was timed (over a weekend, when many school activities are starting to occur)is also typical.
    When I used to be the involved, meeting attending citizen from hell, I regularly noticed that all the hot button meetings were scheduled in the following matter:
    Bond Hearings at the court house: the day before Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve.
    DOT issues affecting Dekalb:
    The same day as hot button zoning issues, etc. Generally in a location 15-20 miles away from the
    hot button issue, and at the same time.
    Hot button hearings: Whatever time John Q Public would have to take time off from work. Susie Q Public would have to get a baby sitter. This would results in a room full on angry retirees, and
    tenured college professor's wives.
    ( The latter would be there due to junior be at home with the nanny or au pair).
    Anyway, the short amount of time, and at the busiest possible time scheduling is standard operating procedure for the corrupt.
    NOW: mention the time frame to as many persons as possible, in as many forums as possible. Both on line, and in personal conversations. It's important that persons that utilize these tactics are shamed for doing so.

  48. Tyson has already set every thing up and what the parents and employees say will go out the window. I would bet you she is talking to lewis and geting advise from him. I have been to some of those meeting about board policy and when you would suggest changes that will effect the friends and family there ears closed. Tyson and that central office are just seting up a trap. Don't trust them

  49. Hopefully this will clear things up AGAIN for this blog topic. Below is Board Policy BDBC. Please note that since anyone can make suggestions at ANY time for a policy change/amendment, there is no need for a time limit. No need to call SACS on this.

    Community Involvement in Policy Drafting


    MISSION: To promote a positive environment in DeKalb County schools in which there is an awareness of, involvement in, and support for the system and its educational mission.

    Parents, students, staff, and others may, at any time, offer suggestions on policies by submitting in writing the suggested additions, changes, or deletions, to the policies to the Office of the Superintendent for consideration and possible recommendation to the Board.

    The DeKalb County Board of Education believes (1) that the public schools belong to the people who create them by consent and support them by taxation; (2) that the schools are only as strong as the informed DeKalb citizens and knowledgeable school system staff; and (3) that this support is based on knowledge of, understanding about, and participation in the aims and efforts of the public schools.

    The Board affirms, through policies and goals, its commitment (1) to keep the citizens and staff of the system regularly and accurately informed, through appropriate means of communication, about policies, programs, problems, and planning of the school system; (2) to solicit the advice and counsel of parents, students, staff, and others on basic issues through appropriate channels (such as Parent Teacher Associations, advisory councils, and other community groups); (3) to charge the administrative, instructional, and operational staff with the duty to carry out this policy as an integral part of regular activities and responsibilities; and (4) to cooperate with the news media as the primary purveyors of public information, recognizing their right to all the facts and their obligation to publish them in a responsible manner.

  50. I asked for clarification, but didn't receive it. Does anyone know how to tell -- when reading all 21 pages -- what parts of the policies are recommended changes? I noticed some parts in larger type -- are these the changes? And if so, do I have to print out the original policies with which to compare?

    Everyone is making the same point -- so if anyone from DCSS or any BOE members are reading this, a lot of us think that it is useless to expect employees to follow these policies (i.e. a whistleblower going to Investigative Affairs) as long as the Investigative Affairs department is acting in an unethical manner.

    So many of these policies rely on the employees to be the eyes and ears of the organization -- would be great if the process you have put in place would actually generate investigations, etc. instead of just set the whistleblower up for ridicule, reduction in position or release.

    Ramsey must go. Does he take a leave of absence while serving in the legislature? The policy I just read would indicate that he would be required to, as the hours he would be working (and being paid for) coincide with DCSS work hours. Nothing wrong with moonlighting, you just can't do it on DCSS time!!

  51. anon 8:46. your koolaide just kicked in.

  52. The Kool Aid tastes sweet at the Central Office! I just finished replying to Ms. Tyson. However, it's after midnight.

    I just got home from a business road trip at 10pm. By the time I read the email it was 12:15. I left a message to Ms. Tyson saying I apologize for being late, but my dog ate my homework, the bus was late, the servers were down, etc etc.. Honestly, my plane was late due to bad weather earlier tonight.

    I talked to some friends in very high places. In reality, Ms. Tyson's report is already done. No lawyer or group of DCSS personnel would have time to go over all the emails and add any more ideas to the existing policy. Plus, there are several lawyers who are working on this project and I can guarantee you that their work was already finished.

    Ms. Tyson should come out Monday and give everyone a week to reply, but don't think that will happen. This is the way they do business at DCSS. NO transparency, no public input, it's their way or the highway!

  53. I wonder if the urgency is because there are employees currently violating these policies and the system needs to get it done.

    It isn't very clear as to what has been changed, so I just commented on what I thought still wasn't right.

  54. Could the urgency be that the BOE is supposed to vote on Tuesday (in AJC Metro page 1 on Sunday) on the draft report to be sent to SACS to answer their questions? MS Tyson wants to make sure that there is as much wallpaper available as possible.

  55. Does Everyone understand that the Board is suppose to make policies and revisions- not the teachers, community or super? It is the super's job to enforce policy.

  56. POlicies warranteeing a capacity figure for each school and defining an empty seat.
    Policies contolling inter school transfers and comparison with other county policies for policing.

    Policies for counting all inter-county transfers and students with out-of-county addresses and noting DeKalb schools attended.

  57. Policies about not hiring a high ranking relative for an administrative position or any position where the salary exceed $50 000 per annum UNLESS they have done the job in another district successfully. Likewise, promotion is not permitted where another unconnected party can do the job.17

  58. @ anonymous 7:23
    "Does Everyone understand that the Board is suppose to make policies and revisions- not the teachers, community or super? It is the super's job to enforce policy."

    Yes, and this BOE has not had policies in place that would have protected the taxpayers from millions of dollars of loss and the students from inefficient services. Even the policies they had and broke broke, they just said oops! and moved on as if no one was looking and no one cared. Woods and Roberts are just hanging on to protect their highly paid family members. Why the others are still there is a mystery since they have all been just terrible at their jobs.

  59. Wow,
    Wow, The mafia does it again with a new boss (Tyson, Lewis's partner in crime). Wow! Dekalb sure knows what words to use to seem like they are on the right track. You can't fool those of us that are DCSS employees. Review what policies? The ones that each of you have been breaking for years...and Internal Affairs is a joke. Why is Ramsey working for DCSS. Mo money, mo money. Why are you brining back the same people instead of promoting within? That's right because you must keep the mafia family 2gether. I forgot. It's all a lie. Dekalb dismisses it's own once they are found out. Clean up the county, internal affairs, and HR then we can talk! Bye Tyson you need to go too!

  60. It is all just a bunch of BS! Any and every one that works for DCSS knows this to be true. Don't believe the HYPE! Bye Tyson stop biting our ears!!!!! Liar liar pants on fire! How is that for a school rhyme!

  61. Investigate some more. There is a lot to be told before they start revising policies!

  62. Ramona's rewrite of the ethics and whistle blower policies passed the BOE yesterday. See today's AJC.

    I think that the wall paper will satisfy SACS and they will go away so that administrator job machine business as usual can progress.

    Heep those cards and letters coming folks.

  63. Does anyone know why Ms. Tyson voted no? Did anyone attend the meeting?

  64. Not why Ms. Tyson voted no, but Ms. Roberts....

  65. I hope Ron Ramsey, retired but still on payroll Melvin Tucker, and the rest of the DCSS Internal Affairs staff get ZERO input on the whistleblower policy, residency check policy, nepotism/cronyism policy, etc., etc.

    What does that divison do? How is Ramsey allowed to take off two plus months each year as a state senator, plus he owns or co-owns multiple businesses.


  66. Ron Ramsey, head of DCSS Internal Investigations, investigated none of the DCSS upper administrative ethics and alleged criminal infractions. Why hasn't Ms. Tyson cut him loose?

  67. Don't forget that Ron Ramsey went onto the Gold Dome floor and screamed for an economic boycott of Dunwoody, even though Dunwoody located businesses bring in more sales and property tax than any other region of the county.

    Not only is Ron Ramsey pathetic in his highly paid head of DCSS Internal Affairs position, he's also a horrible state senator. He's drafted no legislation of note and has mediocre constituent services. He's failing DeKalb citizens in both of his taxpayer funded jobs.

    But he does own multiple businesses with his family members. So that's where he focuses his attention. Guarantee that he does state senate and family business work on DCSS time, on his DCSS computer, on his DCSS cell phone, in his DCSS vehicle.

    Ron Ramsey = Loser
    (albeit a highly paid loser)

  68. Anon 9:38 PM had better get a grip. The DCSS administration already is run by the Church.

  69. Today, Dr. Butler is the President and Founder of Ennvoy, Inc., a company which provides comprehensive health and wellness intervention, consultation, and support. The company combines sound nutrition and fitness practices, behavioral influence techniques, and project management disciplines to help organizations assess and better manage wellness behavior and environments
    This is an example of taxpayers rip off. IRS ,we need you.

  70. Lakeside HS need to have it's a/c system redone before building starts.Mold and water problems continue in several areas. Humidity in many rooms is intolerable.


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