
Monday, February 7, 2011

Here we go!

The meeting we've all been waiting for is scheduled to begin in about 20 minutes. Ramona Tyson, our interim superintendent will present her recommendation to the board for redistricting. Since this is a work session and business meeting combined, the board can choose to table the item until next month, or vote to approve. Tune in LIVE on Comcast Channel 24 or stream it live from the DeKalb Schools website by clicking here.

The agenda is below:

Monday, February 7, 2011 6:00PM

J. David Williamson Board Room
Administrative & Instructional Complex
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard
Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083

By: Mr. Thomas E. Bowen, Board Chair

Presented by: Dr. Eugene P. ‘Gene’ Walker, Board Representative, District #9

C. ROSTER: Mr. Thomas E. Bowen, Chair
Ms. Sarah Copelin-Wood
Mr. Jesse 'Jay' Cunningham, Jr.
Ms. Donna G. Edler
Ms. Nancy Jester
Mr. Donald E. McChesney
Dr. Pamela A. Speaks
Dr. Eugene P. 'Gene' Walker
Mr. H. Paul Womack, Jr.

Ms. Ramona H. Tyson, Interim Superintendent

Ms. Shatavia Amey
Ms. Janet Kennedy

Mr. Terrell Short

Ms. Marcia Coward

Mr. Quenterious B. Tolen
Mr. Ryan Lemoine

Miss India Hervey
Miss Rushelle Stanislaus-McSween

1. National School Counselors Week Proclamation
Presented by: Mr. Thomas E. Bowen, Chair

2. Perfect Writing Score Recognition
Presented by: Ms. Stacy Stepney, Director, High School Instruction

3. National Career & Technical Education Month Recognition
Presented by: Dr. Delmas Watkins, Director, Career and Technical Education

1. David Schutten
2. Rosilind Taylor
3. Loreen Booker Brown
4. Andy Faraca
5. Verdaillia Turner
6. Deirdre Pierce
7. Aaron Perry
8. Connie Boone
9. Molly Bardsley
10. Marney Mayo
11. Khalid Muhammad Ali Farrakhan
12. Sandy Purkett
13. Tyler Brown
14. Cecil Harmon

1. Budget, Finance & Facilities Committee
Presented by: Mr. H. Paul Womack, Committee Chair

2. Business, Community & Government Relations Committee
Presented by: Dr. Eugene P. ‘Gene’ Walker, Committee Chair

3. Instruction and Board Policy Committee
Presented by: Dr. Pamela A. Speaks, Committee Chair

It is requested that the DeKalb Board of Education adopt the February 7, 2011 work session
& business meeting agenda.

Motion by: _________________ Seconded by: ________________ Vote: ________

1. Superintendent's 2020 Master Vision Plan Recommendation
Presented by: Ms. Ramona H. Tyson, Interim Superintendent


1. Amendment to the Bylaws & Policies: READY FOR ACTION ~ Public Participation in Board Meetings, Descriptor Code BCBI
Presented by: Ms. Judy O'Brien, Attorney, Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan

2. Amendment to the Bylaws & Policies: READY FOR ACTION ~ Naming Facilities, Descriptor Code FDC
Presented by: Dr. Morcease Beasley, Interim Deputy Superintendent, Teaching & Learning

1. Approval of Legal Representation - Check out our blog discussion on this topic by clicking here.
Presented by: Mr. Thomas E. Bowen, Chair

2. Approval of Minutes
Presented by: Ms. Ramona H. Tyson, Interim Superintendent

3. Financial Report
Presented by: Mr. Marcus Turk, Chief Financial Officer

4. Human Resources Monthly Board Report for February 2011
Presented by: Dr. Jamie L. Wilson, Jr., Chief Human Resources Officer

5. Additional Services Provided by University Instructors, Inc.
Presented by: Dr. Audria Berry, Executive Director, Office of School Improvement

6. Workers’ Compensation Excess Insurance
Presented by: Mr. Michael Florio, Director, Risk Management

7. Contingent\ Excess Liability Insurance
Presented by: Mr. Mike Florio, Director, Risk Management

8. Memorandum of Understanding between DeKalb County School District and Fulton County School District: Enrollment of DCSD students in FCSD conversion Charter Schools
Presented by: Mr. Robert Moseley, Deputy Chief Superintendent, School Operations

9. Vendor Approval – Mingledorff’s, Inc. (Heating and Air Conditioning)
Presented by: Mr. Steven Donahue, Executive Director, Plant Services

10. Capital Outlay Budget Reallocation (410)
Presented by: Ms. Barbara M. Colman, Interim CIP Operations Officer

11. Capital Improvement Plan Budget Reallocation (421)
Presented by: Ms. Barbara M. Colman, Interim CIP Operations Officer

12. Approval of Project Order No. 12 to Jacobs Project Management Co. for Supplemental Project Management Services
Presented by: Ms. Barbara M. Colman, Interim CIP Operations Officer

13. New Replacement Chamblee High School A/E Design Firm Approval
Presented by: Ms. Barbara M. Colman, Interim CIP Operations Officer

14. Clarkston High School- Approval of Pro-Start Kitchen Mechanical Revisions Change Order No.11
Presented by: Ms. Barbara M. Colman, Interim CIP Operations Officer



  1. Is the proposal to be presented available for review? Anyone know how they will get through all of this AND redistricting? There are going to be some MAD constituents if they don't get it on the floor. (Not that they care)

  2. No - no one has seen the proposal - not even the board members.

  3. I'm laying odds Fernbank gets a pass. LOL - Then they can turn their attention to saving the $7,000,000 a year Fernbank Science Center.

  4. Also - big agenda item (J1) - voting to pay for the legal fees for the people named in the Heery Mitchell lawsuit -

    This Can't Be Good

    Ruling could cost DeKalb schools millions more in legal fees

  5. Is it streaming yet? I'm just getting a black screen.

  6. Yes, it's good. Did you click the "Play" arrow?

  7. Did he really just say, "I have a dream that someday we will walk with our heads up instead of our pants hanging down."

    Oh, Lord.

  8. "Also - big agenda item (J1) - voting to pay for the legal fees for the people named in the Heery Mitchell lawsuit - "

    What a shame it will be if millions more go down the drain and the savings of the painful school closings and redistricting goes to lawyers because of the ineptness of the DCSS administration. Was no one looking over the financial end when all this happened? Where was the Office of Internal Investigations? And the same people are still in charge. Very sad for students and their parents.

  9. Looking at the citizen comments, I wish they would make a rule that you can't sign up twice in a row. This is ridiculous to see the same people every week, saying the same thing.

  10. OMG. This guy is a character....

  11. Dude in the white suit arranging his kids in the front of the podium and pretending to be Malcolm X is funnier than he intends to be.

  12. This guy needs a pulpit of crazy people to follow him. Talk about playing the racist card!

  13. YES!!! YOU'RE FUNNY!!!!

    I pity those poor kids.

    Wait, is he calling for black people to be separated from everyone else. Lord have mercy.

  14. at anon, I was just thinking the same thing. WTH!!! Disregard all he says, cuckoo for coco puffs

  15. Khalid Muhammad Ali Farrakhan: Excuse me? WHaT on EarTH? Louis Farrakhan? Is this guy serious? "In the name of Allah??" He lined up his little children and then made the weirdest speech I've ever in my life heard. Creepy!

  16. Oh geez, just when you think it couldn't get more ridiculous.

    Prophet??? We just crossed a church/state line.

  17. With Eddie Long on the outs, this guy sees an opening...

  18. Lady don't need a microphone.
    The sound guy's head just exploded.

  19. "Success flows like the rain through our leaky roof."
    -Sandy Purkett

    Best quote of the night.

  20. I like the lady from Redan, success flows like rain through their leaky roof---sad, but funny still!!!

  21. Are Redan students instructed routinely to describe "The Great" Redan? Is it a rule or something?

  22. So you're a parent who has never been to a BOE meeting until tonight, and you get to see one in all its glory. Do you finally write that check for private school?

  23. Another best quote.

    "Remember, you want the best for us."

    -Cecil Harmon (Redan HS student)

  24. more live blogging of the meeting here:

  25. @fedupindcss 7:14

    I already did, weeks ago.


  26. Wow. Ernest Brown! Suggesting that Arabia be repurposed as a neighborhood school with a magnet program! Talk about out on a limb - his own kids go there... (A new age Abraham!)

  27. Thank you Ernest. Thank you.

  28. ALLGOOD ES - New principal - from an AYP failing school - Systematically destroyed Allgood. PTA dismantled. Parents locked out. PTA president is now home-schooling. Vote of no confidence of new principal and asking for immediate reassignment - assign ASST Principal...

  29. Khalid Muhammad Ali Farrakhan. Wow. Seriously??? Your three minutes is not for your own personal grandstanding. Your credibility in this county is forever tarnished.

  30. Julie McKenna and Willie Pringle - two of my faves - back to back -

    Julie - thank you Ms Tyson for not shying away from this monumental task. Board - change policy - concerned about attendance policy being pulled off the table - no mention of non-school-based employees. Insult to homeowners to ignore the transfer policy. Deny school choice perk to non-school-based employees. Minutes not posted. Video from Jan not posted. Need transparency.

    Willie - here for all our children. Are we going for the education of our children or the welfare of gaining popularity? I was locked out of the school for speaking out for our children. Not only look at magnets - we need to educate ALL our children. Get away from testing and let teachers teach. America's Choice is only about money. What are we doing to our children? Our children are our future - if we're not doing as God called us to do - train up our children - what does that say? As long as God gives me breath, I'm going to stand up for our children -

  31. Dude just called out America's Choice! Would love to see Morcease's and Aduria's reaction!

  32. This thing isn't even 90 minutes old and I am in my second glass of wine. I will start to think SCW is making sense if I keep drinking like this.

  33. Apparently we now officially have a new national anthem, at least according to Mr. Walker's introduction.

  34. Enough with all the Lord this, God this talk, people. This ain't New Birth.

  35. Wow, principals are being called out tonight!!

  36. If you're Baptist or Muslim and Af Am, you can invoke God w/ impunity. If you're caucasian (like in Woodstock) you can't.

    Go figure.

  37. I hear 'ya 7:27 PM - I ALWAYS end up rooting for Sarah. I often wish I had a microphone in her ear -- she comes so close so often to making a really important point. She KNOWS that students in her schools are not being well-educated, she just doesn't know how to articulate it and fight for them.

  38. I can't ever take ODE's David Schuttem seriously after his endorsement of Gene Walker, with his harassment lawsuits, relatives working for the system, his Sembler/DDA dealings, etc.

  39. And if you are white Jewish or Budhist or Agnostic you may get stoned!!

  40. Julie is absolutely right about the transfer policy and the non-school employees and their kids. The BOE needs to say that there will be no transfers except for 1)federally required, 2)special ed--with an IEP, or 3)documented cases of bullying. No, not if your kid doesn't speak the language of most of the other students, or if there is a block schedule and you don't like it, or this other school is closer to your job (yes, that has been an excuse). Until they address that, no realignment.

  41. Oh, here we go w/ the race card.
    Should have guessed she invoked "Brother Khalid".

    Anon 7:31 - they hate Catholics too. We're in some pretty good and very diverse company!

  42. Last speaker - good points. After top admin were arrested, the first order of business should have been top down audits of every department - P cards, etc. in order to regain public trust.

  43. Oh, God, Womack and Walker are up next. I think I will play Angry Birds while I watch this. It fits.

  44. Bummer, FedUp. They are keeping the guys quiet tonight (or saving them til later).

  45. Just found this post. Will be relevant after it all hits the fan.

    Warning - rough language. Not safe for work or kids. But oh so necessary.

  46. Maps online right now? Where?



  49. Follow along the and download presentation here

  50. What a lovely surprise! It was a gift to the bloggers - the pdf online to follow along!

  51. Skipping ahead:

    Recommendation: 2011-12: Leave Magnet programs as they exist
    2020 Vision: Analysis and implementation of system-wide Magnet programs in Phase One of the Master Plan

    2011-12: Convert Dunwoody ES to a K-5 School
    2020 Vision: No future implications in the Master Plan

    2011-12: Attendance line changes among Pleasantdale, Evansdale, Midvale and Livsey Elementary Schools

  52. Tyson says close Avondale Middle, Avondale High, and Medlock Elementary

  53. Anon 6:00--looks like you were right about Fernbank.

    Actually, on the whole, it looks like most of N.Dekalb got a pass. Especially Lakeside. Let the finger pointing begin!

  54. WTF? Lakeside is gaining students? Are you kidding me? I know y'all wanted to keep the neighborhood intact, but really??

  55. this old grand cant read maps. how many lhs kids are shifted to druids hills hs? to tucker hs? clarkston?

  56. They don't care how crowded it is, as long as their kids get to stay there.

  57. Recommendation: 2011-12: Attendance line changes for Princeton & Rock Chapel Elementary Schools
    2020 Vision: Evaluate future capacity needs

  58. Recommendation: 2011-12: Close Avondale MS and HS as neighborhood schools
    and reassign students to surrounding schools; Continue use of Avondale HS for DSA
    2020 Vision: Evaluate future use of Avondale facilities

  59. more trailers for lhs?

  60. they are going to just close 4 es and 1 hs?

  61. Dang.... The elementary map is messed up. Or is it just my computer....

  62. looks like 71 Shamrock students from Sagamore will go to Henderson - 76 from Druid Hills to LHS



    Now we'll have a full high school for less than 300 8th-12th graders!!!

  64. avondale ms is brand spanking new...what a waste!!

  65. If you live in Avondale Estates, you are thrilled out of your mind right now. Your kids are off to Shamrock/Druid Hills.

  66. I have audio but no video, though had it earlier. Any suggestions... other than fire the head of PDS 24?

  67. Recommendation: 2011-12: Decommission Glen Haven, Sky Haven, Atherton, Peachcrest and Gresham Park Elementary Schools and consolidate with surrounding neighborhood schools
    2020 Vision: Create consolidated 900 capacity elementary schools

  68. HMS is getting more students...

    They are going to need double decker trailers next year.

    Next, DSA just had a how million dollar reno for being moved out there?

  69. Recommendation: 2011-12: Attendance line changes for Bob Mathis, Chapel Hill and Oak View Elementary Schools
    2020 Vision: Evaluate capacity needs

  70. Recommendation: 2011-12: Flat Rock ES becomes a theme school and Bouie Theme School becomes a neighborhood school
    2020 Vision: No future implications in the Master Plan

  71. If you still have questions
    regarding your student’s proposed school of attendance,
    please email us at:

  72. Good job filling McNair. Anyone ask the parents?

  73. I told you from the beginning Fernbank will get a pass. Now they can begin their work keeping Fernbank Science Center just the way they want it - a beautiful $7,000,000 piece of green space serving their kids with the elite programs that see a few students.

    Didn't I say they are the most powerful group of parents in DeKalb County, and they will get exactly what they want. South DeKalb can't compare with them. They already decided last year that the South DeKalb schools would close.

  74. Tonight’s presentation, all maps and handouts
    can be found online at:

  75. @ Cerebration


    Ron Ramsey's child is there along with so many Central Office children. What did you expect?

  76. ObamaMomma with a BMWFebruary 7, 2011 at 8:15 PM

    Whew! Dodged the Fernbank bullet. Can't imagine the property value hit my home and carriage house and pool would have taken if I had to tell folks that their kiddies now had to attend Briarvista....

  77. The flat rock plan makes no sense

  78. Is Briar Vista closing or are they getting students "more appropriate" for them?

  79. Where any cost savings and how they were derived given as they closed these schools?

  80. Any reference to "2020 vision" is total bulls#! It's political-speak. Neither this board, nor its superintendent is likely to remain in the saddle in 2020.

    The current board can't make decisions to commit future boards, who are empowered to change them. No-one knows who the future board members nor superintendent(s) are going to be. Enough already with political trickery.


  81. We will just get a cut in pay disguised under ....

  82. Oh geez, here comes SCW. Read first, understand second, then ask questions.

    Why is Tyson not doing any of the talking here? It's supposed to be her recommendation.

  83. Sarah - wants the names of the schools that were taken off the list...

    Tyson: Livsey, Rock Chapel, Toney, Bob Mathis

  84. Sarah - no MS or HS in the Avondale area next year, correct? (Yes, correct.) Disappointing to an area that's been stripped of educational opportunities for our children. I heard you say that you wanted to keep communities intact.

  85. Why is everyone saying Fernbank "got a pass"? The map still shows the same section of Druid Hills being redistricted to Briar Vista. Am I missing something??

  86. Donna - public hearing notices will be announced for schools affected? (Tyson - yes. Once we make the notice, that makes the list concrete. So make input now, before we announce public hearings.) I see a number of communities that seem almost devastated. Those who have been so concerned about their own communities, I ask you to consider these others so highly affected. Sometimes we can reach objectives without devastating communities.

  87. @ Cerebration


    Then a major portion of the cost savings will be lost. Look at the admin and support overhead that can be eliminated and plowed back into the classrooms. Ms. Tyson is such a disappointment - she sounds exactly like Lewis. Those were his very words when confronted with the saving that could come from the Ernst and Young Compensation audit.

  88. How will Druid Hills HS accommodate all the kids from Avondale?

  89. Anon 8:28: Fernbank got a pass in that those houses west of Clifton, which were slated to go to Briarvista, are staying at Fernbank.

  90. Walker - commend the staff for due diligence and effort. I concur with Ms Edler about concern for our communities. Glen Haven, Peachcrest and Atherton - pillars in their communities - if we close all three, we must be certain we get the benefits you intend. If it's negligible I hope you will reconsider. Please look at Sky Haven again before you close it.

    (I'm sensing some heavy balking... )

  91. Tyson paraphrased : This plan will save $12.4M we can steer to instruction.

    Sounds nice if you're not a business person.

    Long night and I may have missed a decimal point, but does this plan reduce approximately .012 (yes, point zero-one-two) of the overall billion dollar budget as it jerks you and your kids around.

    Looks like we should be looking to save elsewhere.

  92. Perfect pundits for politicians. Let's listen and see who's politick'

  93. Wow. I'm shocked really, that the recommendation includes closing and consolidating so many schools, yet leaving DSA with a whole building for under 300 students and Wadsworth with it's own building with only about 150 students.

  94. Jay... "2020 Plan" -- be real...

  95. Recap -

    Recommendation: Leave magnet programs as they exist in 2011-12.

    Recommendation: Convert Dunwoody Elementary School into a K-5 school.

    Recommendation: Redraw attendance lines among Pleasantdale, Evansdale, Midvale, Livsey Fernbank and Sagamore Hills to alleviate overcrowding of some schools and the under-utilization of Briar Vista.

    Recommendation for the under-utlization of Medlock, the recommendation is close Medlock and redraw attendance lines for Laurel Ridge, McLendon, Avondale and Jolly Elementary.

    Recommendation: Redraw attendance lines for Princeton and Rock Chapel to address Rock Chapel under-utlization and overcrowding at Princeton.

    Recommendation: Close Avondale Middle and High Schools and reassign their students to surrounding schools. Also, the recommendation is to continue use of Avondale High as the DeKalb School of the Arts. Students would be reassigned to Druid Hills and Clarkston in the north, and Towers and Columbia in the south.

    Recommendation: Decommission Glen Haven, Sky Haven, Atherton, Peachcreat and Gresham Park elementaries and consolidate those student populations with surrounding neighborhood schools.

    Atherton to Rowland, Snapfinger and Canby Lane; Glen Haven to Midway and Rowland; Gresham Park to Meadowview, Flat Shoals, Clifton and McNair; PeachCrest to Snapfinger and Midway; Sky Haven to McNair and Meadowview.

    Recommendation: Redraw attendance lines for Bob Mathis, Chapel Hill and Oakview elementaries.

    Recommendation: Flat Rock Elementary becomes a theme school and Bouie Theme School becomes a neighborhood school.

    (Thanks to PATCH Live Blog Coverage: DeKalb County Board of Education )

  96. Am I missing something? Eliminate 120 of these overpaid directors, supervisors, etc... and DCSS has saved the same amount of money.

    Also, why all the thanks for working "long hours" and even "this weekend," and a kudos to those staff members who volunteer? "Educators" making 30% to 80% less work extended hours all the time.

  97. How could they need as many principals? APs? Custodians? I guess they're saying they'll lose what they need through attrition.

  98. Why will no people lose jobs- why would a consolidated school need two principals, etc?

  99. They may call it "recommendations"...but we all know it's a done deal!!!

  100. @ Cerebration 8:35


    "$767,386 in administrative costs could be eliminated if DSA was combined with, for example, Lakeside HS. The redundancy in DSA's administrative and support positions of Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Bookkeeper, Cafeteria Manager, Media Specialist, CTSS, Campus Security, Custodian, Paraprofessional, and Secretary cost DCSS $767,386 in annual salary and benefits.

    The entire teaching staff (including all drama, dance, art, etc.) and small class sizes at DSA could be left TOTALLY intact while DCSS could reclaim the money to furnish Lakeside with 14 more Content Area (math, science, social studies, and language arts) teachers with Masters degrees and 5 years of teaching experience.


    $1,157,546 in administrative and support costs could be eliminated if the Wadsworth High Achievers magnet program was housed in an existing elementary school while still leaving this educational magnet program TOTALLY intact.

    Wadsworth has 153 students (state FTE figures) with 9 homeroom teachers, 2 Spanish teachers, and a Fine Arts Enrichment teacher. The redundancy in Wadsworth’s administrative and support positions of Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Bookkeeper, Cafeteria Manager, Media Specialist, CTSS, 3 Custodians, Music teacher, Band teacher, Orchestra teacher, PE teacher, Administrative Assistant, 6 Food Services Workers, a Nurse, and a Media Specialist cost $1,157,546 annually.

    Wadsworth has 153 students with a staff of 36, only 9 of who teach math, reading, social studies and language arts. The personnel cost alone are over $14,000 per pupil a year, mainly due to redundancy in admin and support personnel."

  101. Mr. Bowen (Who reportedly hasn't seen the plan before this meeting) : "Ms. Tyson please confirm publicly no-one will lose a job."

    Not your role Mr. B.


  102. Some of them will move up to the Palace with a pay raise becuase they are going to give teachers more paperwork to do.

  103. @ cerebration

    Come on. Ron Ramsey's child and half of the Central Office kids go to DSA. What did you expect?

    I don't know about Wadsworth. At $14,000+ per pupil this is one expensive school. Why couldn't these small schools do a cost analysis and compare themselves to Wadsworth? I know they couldn't hold a candle to the per pupil cost of Wadsworth.

  104. Fernbank got a pass in that those houses west of Clifton, which were slated to go to Briarvista, are staying at Fernbank.

    But that is not what the presentation or the map say. I'm thoroughly confused. Mind you, I was getting my kids to bed instead of listening to the presentation - I'm just going by what I'm reading on the slides. And Cerebration's recap, which still refers to attendance lines at Fernbank being redrawn.

  105. @ anonymous 8:33

    "Long night and I may have missed a decimal point, but does this plan reduce approximately .012 (yes, point zero-one-two) of the overall billion dollar budget as it jerks you and your kids around."

    Now Ms. Tyson will go to work cutting teacher positions and increasing class sizes. This is all she knows how to do to cut the budget - which will leave the admin and support personnel an even greater percentage of DCSS. I'm SO glad my child is out of DCSS.

  106. Both the initial centralized and decentralized plans redistricted houses (geneally) west of Clifton to Briarvista from Fernbank. The superintendent's proposal does not. It does redistrict some students from the north of Fernbank to Briarvista, but it seems to leave intact those houses in the Druid Hills historic district.

  107. It seems to me we have now four school systems: The Magnet System, The Theme/Choice System, the North System and the South System.

  108. @ anonymous 8:32

    "Fernbank got a pass in that those houses west of Clifton, which were slated to go to Briarvista, are staying at Fernbank."

    Don't tell me - major law firm partner and Fernbank ES PTA president and major Atlanta law firm attorney Amy Power just happens to live in a house west of Clifton - LOL.

  109. @Anon 8:31

    Druid Hills will be losing a total of 91 students when you add it all up.

    Gain 174 from Avondale
    Gain 20 from Clarkston

    Lose 209 to Clarkston
    Lose 76 to Lakeside

  110. How can they even legally send students to Clarkston - a high school that has been on the Needs Improvement list for over 5 years? (6 -8 maybe...) ?

  111. @ anonymous 8:52

    "It does redistrict some students from the north of Fernbank to Briarvista, but it seems to leave intact those houses in the Druid Hills historic district.'

    Well, Amy Power and her friends in the neighborhood will be happy now. Their kids will be assured of their yoga classes, Garden Club, and the "extra" teachers the Fernbank PTA and Fernbank Foundation pays for and Ms. Tyson won't have to worry about their lawsuits. Don't let anyone tell you money and brains can't move get what they want.

  112. Fact check: Whether Amy Power was once a partner in a major Atlanta law firm, I don't know. Now she's an inactive member of the Georgia bar and does not practice law.

  113. Cere 8:56 -- same way you can redraw to populate McNair instead of bringing the run-away's (magnet/theme/charter) who actually live in the district back home.

  114. It's kind of hard to tell exactly, but judging from the map and from the figure of only 4 students being moved from Fernbank to Briar Vista, it appears that the Fernbank attendance lines have been redrawn so that all the elementary school-aged children who live in the Yerkes Primate Center, the Emory Library, the CDC main campus, the fraternity and sorority houses, and the pile of gravel "planned" for development eventually have been reassigned to Briar Vista. The single family homes, not so much.

    In addition, with a few exceptions such as Emory Parc, Butler Lane by the VA, and the 3 streets of single-family homes between Cliff Valley Road, Briarcliff Road, and I-85, all of Sagamore's apartments have been moved to Briar Vista.

    Option 3 has basically just created a soon-to-be Title I school where there was not one before. It is now the Cross Keys of "Super Cluster 2." The original plan called for equitably distributing multi-family dwellings between Sagamore and Briar Vista. Now, Briar Vista gets virtually all of them. But the board and Tyson get political air cover by moving students from both Fernbank and Sagamore. Maria Montessori, meet America's Choice.

  115. So does Lakeside have any apartment kids any more? Looks like they have secured a district comprised entirely (or almost) of single family houses.

  116. Welcome to the south!

  117. OK. We can't have it both way.

    We can't tell Clarkston kids to stay in their need improvement school on one hand because NCLB does not make any sense but invoke NCLB to prevent Druids Hills kids from being redistricted there. That is not in keeping with WWJD.

  118. All the heavy hitters got what they want FRAN MILLAR got an almost all white Austin for his soon to be enrolled grandchildren; the Lakeside district kept itself in tact, the high powered Fernbank neigborhood was saved and Livsey, school of choice for DCSS employees. Business as usual. GOD this county SUCKS. Maybe the guy praying to Allah at the beginning had a point.

  119. Now I see why the BOE kept Ms. Tyson on so long and gave her that $1,000,000 retirement bonus.

  120. Lakeside has secured the perfect district for itself. Amazing.

  121. @ anonymous 8:59

    "Whether Amy Power was once a partner in a major Atlanta law firm, I don't know. Now she's an inactive member of the Georgia bar and does not practice law."

    LOL - Except when she is organizing and fighting for the yoga classes and Garden Club for the kids in her neighborhood.

  122. LAAAAAA! The fat lady has sung.

  123. I have heard from several people in the Hawthrone area and the Chamblee area is that Jester is looking for a house in the Austin area. Has anyone else out there heard that one? Never hurts to ask fellow bloggers.

  124. @ 9:03
    "The original plan called for equitably distributing multi-family dwellings between Sagamore and Briar Vista. Now, Briar Vista gets virtually all of them."

    Like I said - Briar Vista will now get the "appropriate student" transfers.

  125. Anon @ 9:05

    Lakeside will STILL have several apartment complexes feeding this school. Henderson Mill and Hawthorne each have apt complexes within their attendance zones and Briarlake has one complex. Oak Grove still has none (Of course!!) Not sure about the new Pleasantdale lines but I think some of those children will still come to LHS from apartment complexes. It also looks like the complex along B'cliff, east of Clairmont that currently goes to SHES remains there so that will also feed LHS.

  126. Well. South DeKalb - you elected the same officials - particularly Gene Walker who cut his deal with Fernbank since he promised them they would be safe.

  127. @Anonymous 9:03: thanks for the explanation. I see now what happened, looking at the maps side-by-side. Funny, we (Fernbank families) didn't hear anything about any "other" neighborhoods, besides Druid Hills, being affected by the Centralized/Decentralized plans.

  128. It is amazing we can have somewhat segregated schools in a nearly all black county. There is no douby NJ will move to the Austin area. Her new best friend and biggest supporter is the great Senator Fran.

  129. FYI - Sagamore retains most of its apartments (the large complex at the corner of Clairmont and Briarcliff, the complex behind the CVS at Lavista and N. Druid Hills, among other smaller properties. Also, Amy Power lives in the section of Druid Hills that was NOT slated for redistricting. Let's be fair.

  130. Lakeside/Henderson has apartments in its district. Some of the feeder elementary schools don't but the middle and high schools do.

  131. OK Tyson.... Just went to eBoard and I can't find them anywhere. Please help me out there.

  132. NJ played the political game well. I will give her that. The Austin area should suit her well. No wonder she was so careful to make sure it was cleansed of all apartments save for one. She is a real piece of work no matter what you bloggers think.

  133. Ahem. Tyson is mistaken. The minutes are not online. ONLY the most recent minutes that were added just recently to the Jan 18 board agenda (they are posted under "Approval of Minutes"... She needs to go and check. She has been misinformed. The minutes are not posted before the most recent ones that were just posted at the JAN 18 meeting link.

  134. @9:17 You're right -- I hadn't thought about the apartments at the corner of Briarcliff and Clairmont, behind the Popeyes. I was too distracted by the apartments at the corner of N. Druid Hills and Briarcliff that are moving to Briar Vista.

    Oh well.

  135. @Chamblee Native

    Someone asked whether NJ was moving. As of now, it's a blog rumor.

    Cerebration, can we have some editing regarding the comments on Jester's alleged move to Austin? Which has never been discussed until a few minutes ago?

  136. If you look at the meetings (the BUSINESS MEETINGS) you click on Approval of Minutes under Consent Agenda Items. Sometimes they are there, sometimes not. It's hit or miss. You can find them back in 2009 pretty regularly, but 2010 not so much.

  137. The poor people who fight for DHHS were so set up! Same for the people in the Dunwoody Elementary area. Politics make evil bedfellows. Happy NJ?

  138. That's such a ridiculous line of thought it's not worth addressing. Sorry. Nancy is not moving. She quite loves Hawthorne ES, her neighbors and her church.

  139. She may love Hawthorne Cere, but what happens when her youngest can't get a spot there because it is full?

  140. @ Chamblee Native

    "No wonder she was so careful to make sure it was cleansed of all apartments save for one. She is a real piece of work no matter what you bloggers think. "

    Why would you say that? What kind of influence do you think she has? Only she along with Edler voted against Tyson's raise.

    You must be a Jim "do nothing but vote for Crawford Lewis" Redovian supporter.

  141. Actually not a Jim supporter, but a keen observer.

  142. @9:03: "Option 3 has basically just created a soon-to-be Title I school where there was not one before."

    This is just what happened when DCSS closed Nancy Creek and zoned most of the houses to Montgomery and most of the apartments to Huntley Hills. And when one neighborhood of houses complained about getting sent to HH, the lines were redrawn so they could go to Montgomery.

    There is NOTHING wrong with apartments or apartmentment kids or their parents (I've been one), but apartment populations do tend to be younger, less affluent, more transient, and in Chamblee area at least, new to US. The demands of serving and integrating these populations are unfairly shouldered by a few schools in our system. It strains the teachers and the comaparatively fewer involved parents, and the Title 1 money is poor compensation (where does it go, anyway?)

  143. @ cerebration 9:32
    Re BOE meetings minutes:
    "It's hit or miss. You can find them back in 2009 pretty regularly, but 2010 not so much. "

    No - I've looked through almost every BOE minutes since late 2002 when they started - I just went through 2003, 04 and 05 last night. 95% of the BOE meetings have notes attached (the exception is the 2004 meeting that Ernst and Young presented their summary saying DCSS non-teaching employees were over paid by $15,000,000 a year) - until Ms. Tyson took over. July, 2010 until the present day absolutely NO BOE meeting minutes were posted. Now we have a few that have as little as possible in them. Ms. Tyson is the most opaque superintendent we have had to date.

    I urge you to look at the BOE minutes for from 2002 until Ms. Tyson became superintendent. She and her staff are looking over all BOE minutes after the AJC article today came out trying to ensure there is as little possible in the minutes. Smart move for her - bad move for taxpayers. If you don't think she knows what she's doing, you are sorely mistaken.

  144. "Title 1 money is poor compensation (where does it go, anyway?"

    I would guess it goes to trips in and out of the country.

  145. I am tired. I want the past four months of my life back. All the charettes, public input workshops, planning meetings -- none of them mattered. Public input my eye.

    It was all a foregone conclusion. I can't believe that Tyson and Drake did not know that the Centralized option was more expensive than the Decentralized option up front. The attendance lines for Option 3 were drawn in advance, too, no doubt.

    God bless the child that's got his own, and every one else, well this is DeKalb.

    Hello City of Decatur.

  146. You're right about the minutes, Anon. There really are none since Tyson took over until the ones recently attached to the Jan 18 meeting. She stated at the meeting that they are all online, but hard to find. If they are, then I can't find them. They are not where they should be under "Approval of Minutes".

    @ Anon 9:44 PM -- why all the hating on Nancy? She has only been on the board for a month - what makes you so certain you know the details of her "evil" life's plan to move to Austin? Stop spreading such rumors. That is total nonsense.

  147. Sooo... what happens to the NCLB students in the annexes at Avondale, Eliz. Andrews and Lithonia? The enrollment chart that is now posted does not indicate that these annexes will be continued next year but that IS A LOT of students. Plus there may be more because the new GHSGT math section will be harder this year.

    Instead of shuttering an almost brand new middle school, why doesn't DCSS use AMS to capacity for the middle school annex? And they could do the same for Avondale HS. These are all Title I students. They should use the Title I money to hire good teachers and tutors to help these students get back on track.

  148. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  149. Is there anyone advocating for Briar Vista, DHHS, and the poor souls being sent to Clarkston? Is there any plan in place to make sure the soon to be Clarkston folks get a comparable education? How can they possibly leave Fernbank overcrowded and not fill Briar Vista?
    Just goes to show the tactics the large advocacy groups used worked. Because of course there was no manipulating by board members.

  150. Here is the question that I have.... What is going to happen to Chamblee Middle and Chamblee High when all the elementary growth gets there in a year or two? Who will get the boot then, Magnet or Residential kids? CMS is not that big and there is little or no room for trailers. Who gets the trailers... The magnet kids (oh who am I joking) of course they will stay inside the school house. The way that I see it, residential kids will have to go to the trailers.

    I have heard that you can't put trailers at CMS because of the size. My feeling is DCSS will cram trailers in where ever they need to...

    If someone else has other thoughts I would love to hear them.

  151. Chamblee High School is going to be rebuilt.

  152. Besides, how on earth would it matter if Nancy were to move? Anywhere in District 1? Is Austin so hated that even moving into the district makes someone untrustworthy? Are you kidding? What about Lakeside? What about Fernbank? Are they to be frowned upon as places to live as well? I am SO not getting your point Anon...

    Nancy's mailing address aside, I really don't think this "plan" was anything other than an enormous appeasement to several power bases. Pity the people represented by Sarah.

  153. What about the kids at DHHS going to LHS? Has anyone thought about what is going to happen with their college transcripts? They will now be going from block to a 7 period day.

  154. Cere,

    I absolutely agree. This plan is nothing more than appeasing the power players at the expense of the people with less power. I think NJ played right into this. Just my opinion. I am sure she has some great ideas and things to add in other avenues of her position on the board.

  155. From what I've read of education policy, Title 1 funds have contributed nothing meaningful for the students its intended to help. In fact, in Dekalb it seems to sustain the heaps of superfluous instructional supervisors, coaches, specialists, etc... to distribute outdated, ineffective, and impractical "strategies" for working with larger groups of students deficient in reading, writing, and critical thinking schools.

    Why can't we pressure legislators to attach stipulations like direct classroom usage (preferably smaller classes with more teachers) to this funding?

  156. @10:34, there are no grounds to suppose that resident CMS students would be relegated to trailers while magnet students enjoy the building. Just before CMS moved to its new building, the German classes (magnet) were all in trailers. My son's 8th grade magnet English and social studies were in trailers also.

    @10:38, why would there be a problem with transcripts if a student changed from a block to a 7-period day?

  157. 10:38--changing at the end of a school year has no effect. Kids on block and 7-period take the same core classes, just in different ways. But at the end of the year, they have both received equal credit.

    Arguably, kids going from block (8 credits per year) to LHS (7 credits per year) would have an advantage. If they have passed all of their class, wouldn't they be slightly ahead?

  158. To respond further to the CMS parent. I clearly heard tonight that they weren't moving the magnet program "this year." But they also indicated that the magnet program will be part of the longer range vision. I think they will probably move the magnets at some time in the future because the school system will need the space at CCHS and CMS for the future population growth in the area.

    As part of a long range plan, the DCSS knows that the northern portion of the county has the growth and the schools are in poor condition. They need to use the large tracks of land at Cross Keys and the N. Druid Hills Rd site very wisely. They want to build larger schools, but less schools in total.

    Maybe they should use the 4 acres of land that the dilapadated Fernbank Science Center sits on for a new 900 student elementary school?

  159. What was discussed regarding legal representation? (Sorry, was at work).

    Does anyone still think that Tyson has earned the raise because she's doing the hard stuff????

  160. For the parent with questions about the annexes, Tyson was clear that she will not dive into the details of anything AYP-related because it will all change year-to-year.

  161. Seems to me she added to her year to year mess given the transfers to Clarkston.

  162. info on legal fees:

  163. Love that the Channel 2 reporter just called Avondale MS as "Evandale" and Atherton as "Allerton." LOL!

  164. Taxes, Taxes and Taxes

    Paul Womack's property taxes and former BOE member Zepora Roberts' property taxes were posted a few months ago on this blog.

    In 2010, Roberts paid -- are you ready for this? -- $308.56!

    In 2010, Womack paid $2109.10 on a house worth $556,000.

    In DeKalb County, it is not enough to be a senior citizen to have your property taxes lowered. Senior citizens also must meet an income test. Just FYI ... the salary paid to BOE members exceeds the income cap for property tax reduction.

    Womack and Roberts take the H4F - Senior School Exemption. []

    It is unlikely that either Womack or Roberts legally meets the financial requirement for a reduction in property taxes.

    What would it take to get the DeKalb Tax Commissioner to investigate? Wait. Wait. Don't tell me. Womack and Roberts will each blame someone else's "mistake" for what is probably tax fraud.

    Roberts (thankfully, recently voted off the BOE)and Womack have happily spent billions of dollars of our tax dollars and contributed very little in return -- financial or otherwise. Certainly they haven't paid their fair share in property tax.

  165. Does anyone still think that Tyson has earned the raise because she's doing the hard stuff????


  166. So, I think that the plan pretty effectively eliminates the offering of any "choice" elementary for folks in the central area. Look at the maps. What do central parents have to do in order to access gifted For example, we've filled Evansdale elementary school (math and science magnet) with resident students to capacity. So, this program is now available to resident students and choice is now not a viable option for others in the area.

    Are there other areas where "choice" has disappeared?

    Or, did they compute in a number of open seats to continue to allow "choice."

    Just curious. What does this mean for program points? I seriously have problems with funding special programs for locally isolated schools if not everyone has an open door to get into them. This is my problem with the high achiever magnets. Of course, this is why the north fought so hard to keep them this go-round, even though KMS was more available to central residents in the past.

  167. From the AJC

    DeKalb school closure list drops from 14 to 8

    After hearing thousands of complaints, DeKalb County interim’s superintendent amended the school system’s controversial redistricting plan, proposing that eight schools close, not 14.

    On Monday night, the district unveiled the revamped plan, which calls for Atherton, Glen Haven, Gresham Park, Peachcrest, Medlock and Sky Haven elementary schools, Avondale Middle School and Avondale High School to close in August. The board is scheduled to approve the closures March 7.

    Although Avondale Middle and High are closing as neighborhood schools, part of the high school will remain open as the DeKalb School of the Arts.

    The schools spared were Livsey, Rock Chapel, Bob Mathis, Toney, Wadsworth Magnet and Kittredge Magnet. However, those schools -- and others -- could close as early as summer 2012, interim Superintendent Ramona Tyson said.

    Tyson recommended the changes after reviewing residents’ complaints, concluded that the process was moving too fast, there was not enough financial data and the magnet programs shouldn’t be centralized.

  168. @Anon 11:10 "They need to use the large tracks of land at Cross Keys and the N. Druid Hills Rd site very wisely."

    Very sober and insightful observations about the decision today not settling the matter in these districts - however, I don't see how these two properties can ever truly fit into the picture with a new Chamblee building being rushed to the map.

    There are barely seventeen hundred kids in Chamblee and Cross Keys combined from our area. What on earth could possibly pave the way for a third open high school property in this area??? It also doesn't make any sense when put into the political context of Lakeside vs Chamblee vs Druid Hills - long will Cross Keys live, my friend.

    Some folks in my area figuratively poured gasoline on themselves and lit it to avoid mixing Cross Keys attendance area with their neighborhoods or schools. There is no map that we'll see any time soon that changes dramatically the attendance area in this region. Not ... going ... to ... happen ...

  169. I am pretty concerned that DCSS leaders keep referring to a "2020 Vision" yet have not actually articulated one. The premise is - vote YES for this modified plan and we will include more savings and consolidations in the "2020 Vision".... not so sure I can buy that.

    Anyway - I like the vision we came up with.

    Check it out -

    “Without a vision, the people perish…”

  170. OMG, I have had it with these people. Why is Laurel Ridge always picked on? They just totally stuck Laurel Ridge on the chopping block. if this plan goes through LRE will have less students than currently enrolled. Is it their intention to close this school? Perhaps, they will knock down William Bryant Bradley, reaquire the property behind it, and build a delux state of the art school for all of the areas of Medlock, Laurel Ridge, MClendon. If that is their REAL INTENTION then let me know just my prop values are sucking some serious wind as of 8pm.

  171. Only 4, count them, 1,2,3,4 Fernbank students are moving. This is a pass.

    My security work is uppin. Don't know it's real meaning but I am about to get "uppin" Ms. Tyson's business about some of these proposed changes.

  172. Great post from Get Schooled blog:

    February 7th, 2011
    9:06 pm
    DSA and Wadsworth got a pass.

    1. DeKalb School of the Arts (DSA)

    DSA has 325 students (State FTE totals).

    $767,386 in administrative costs could be eliminated if DSA was combined with, for example, Lakeside HS. The redundancy in DSA’s administrative and support positions of Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Bookkeeper, Cafeteria Manager, Media Specialist, CTSS, Campus Security, Custodian, Paraprofessional, and Secretary cost DCSS $767,386 in annual salary and benefits.

    The entire teaching staff (including all drama, dance, art, etc.) and small class sizes at DSA could be left TOTALLY intact while DCSS could reclaim the money to furnish Lakeside with 14 more Content Area (math, science, social studies, and language arts) teachers with Masters degrees and 5 years of teaching experience.

    2. Wadsworth has 153 students

    $1,157,546 in administrative and support costs could be eliminated if the Wadsworth High Achievers magnet program was housed in an existing elementary school while still leaving this educational magnet program TOTALLY intact.

    Wadsworth has 153 students (state FTE figures) with 9 homeroom teachers, 2 Spanish teachers, and a Fine Arts Enrichment teacher. The redundancy in Wadsworth’s administrative and support positions of Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Bookkeeper, Cafeteria Manager, Media Specialist, CTSS, 3 Custodians, Music teacher, Band teacher, Orchestra teacher, PE teacher, Administrative Assistant, 6 Food Services Workers, a Nurse, and a Media Specialist cost $1,157,546 annually.

    Wadsworth has 153 students with a staff of 36, only 9 of who teach math, reading, social studies and language arts. The personnel cost alone are over $14,000 per pupil a year, mainly due to redundancy in admin and support personnel.

    I don’t know about Wadsworth, but I know DSA is filled with Central Office personnel children. Do you think this had anything to do with it?

    These figures DO NOT include the savings from the state if they were consolidated into a larger school. I guess they’re really moot since Ms. Tyson has said she will not eliminate any of these personnel anyway.

  173. The Fernbank PTA owns DCSS, the rest of us are just paying rent.

    Amy Powers and Marshall Orson got everything they wanted. Yep, the elite and wealthy Fernbankers control their domain in the DeKalb County School System.

    I'm all for just giving them Fernbank, Druid Hills Middle, Druid Hills High and of course the Fernbank Science Center. Let's just sell them those three schools for a dollar and let them run their own mini-school system.


    School board members constitute the largest group of elected officials in the United States with 100,000 trustees serving on nearly 14,000 boards. A truly American invention, the local school board has been revered as a cornerstone of representative democracy.

    But there have been cynics.

    “In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards,” Mark Twain wrote in 1897.

  175. In case you missed it:

  176. How many Central Office administrators send their children to the DeKalb School of the Arts?

    We need to know.

    We know Ron Ramsey does. He is even more powerful now under Tyson as he was under C Lew.

  177. Worth repeating;

    "Fernbank got a pass in that those houses west of Clifton, which were slated to go to Briarvista, are staying at Fernbank."

    Don't tell me - major law firm partner and Fernbank ES PTA president and major Atlanta law firm attorney Amy Power just happens to live in a house west of Clifton - LOL.

    February 7, 2011 8:53 PM

  178. "I'm all for just giving them Fernbank, Druid Hills Middle, Druid Hills High and of course the Fernbank Science Center. Let's just sell them those three schools for a dollar and let them run their own mini-school system."

    For the record, Fernbank elem may have gotten everything they wanted but that is not true for DH high school and middle. Get your facts straight. Lakeside was the school that got everything they wanted.

  179. Rufus from Druid HillsFebruary 8, 2011 at 6:24 AM

    I learn more about what is going on in DeKalb by reading this blog than any other news source. Thanks everybody.

  180. Rufus from Druid HillsFebruary 8, 2011 at 6:25 AM

    I learn more about what is going on in DeKalb by reading this blog than any other news source. Thanks everybody!

  181. We should all keep in mind that this is but the first step in the process and that we can look for more by August. I think it is also worth keeping in mind that the same dynamic will repeat in the next round - lots of hand-wringing after the initial proposals are floated and then the Superintendent's office will put a plan with about 50% of the recommended changes in front of the Board. Thus, the guiding principle of "half measures" will be maintained.

  182. Winners:Lakeside, Fernbank, Livsey, Austin, Magnets, Livsey.

    Losers, DHHS, Briar Vista, Laurel Ridge,Henderson Mill, the rest of Dunwoody,

    An educationally sound reasonable plan NO WAY. A political plan all the way. Sell those with less of a voice down the river.

  183. Anon @ 6:30 - I would add Medlock to the list of losers. Can't understand what's happened to Laurel Ridge either. Leaving that school with fewer students doesn't seem to fit with the publicly announced objectives.

  184. Lakeside should never have been a part of the discussion. When the construction currently going on is completed, Lakeside will not be over capacity. The problem is that DCSS gave the consultants the wrong numbers.

  185. Lakeside, Fernbank and Austin are not worlds unto themselves. Oh wait, maybe they are.

  186. Look for Henderson Middle expansion to be top of the list for Splost IV. The Lakeside plan overcrowd that school and currently there is no where for those extra kids to go.

  187. As Kim stated, there will be more to come in August. The plan submitted last night covers only next school year. In August comes the 5 year plan.

    Remember, there is going to be a 1600 - 2000 seat new Chamblee High School that is going to have be filled. With the magnet programs most likely moving after next school year, there is going have to be more decisions in order to fill up that school.

  188. There is that extra $30 million in SPLOST funds available. How much of an explanion of HMS could that buy?

  189. Please remember HB-22 and HB-63 that is on the floor of the leigslature for this year and only this year for the next decade!

  190. Let's propose to be a part of the 2020 Vision plan. The public engagement period was a way to meet your neighbor and find out what wants/concerns they have.

    Let's suggest DCSS dothe same for the 2020 Vision.

  191. The 2020 vision that I have right now is to sell the house at a loss and get the heck out of DeKalb. No one really thought about the children and what was best for the district.

    Keeping the school of the arts open in a building all by itself makes no sense. Keeping small schools open does not make sense. Not loosing any employees does not make any sense.

    Tyson has not earned her raise. She had no backbone to do the right thing for DCSS and the children. She did what would make her popular among the high players in DCSS. Things will never change in DCSS until we get rid of all of the players in the administration running the show. Tyson is just a puppet.

  192. Yes, unfortunately Medlock falls into the "loser" category. It is very upsetting to all of us in the neighborhood. Sending 300 kids to four different schools... upsetting. Breaking up a fantastic Special Needs and Inclusion program and sending those kids to god knows where... upsetting. Dividing up one of the most diverse schools in the county along racial lines... upsetting. The board reversing their prior decisions with a new plan that does not match their goals... upsetting. I am literally sick and tired of hearing anything from this board, Dan Drake, and MGT.

  193. The redistricting/consolidation is 1 part of a plan to help DeKalb build financial strength, yes?


    It would make some $$ for the school system and relieve them of a decaying piece of property.

  194. Medlock is ebing closed with 300+ kids.

    Wadsworth is safe with 150 kids.

    Someone please explain to this simple man.

  195. Exactly. I have said for a while - you can't go around closing "small" schools with 300 kids and leave Wadsworth open. I can't believe the army of lawyers that represent DCSS didn't advise them of the stupidity of that. Do they really think the "little people" with "regular kids" will stand by and let the money flow unobstructed to tiny "special" schools while their schools are shuttered?


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