So the official estimates of savings from both the centralized and decentralized plans are now up on the 2020 Vision Website. (Once again, I want to commend Dan Drake for his transparency throughout this process.) From one of the documents:
We estimate the centralized plan to save the DeKalb County School District approximately $150 million in operating costs over the next ten years; the decentralized option is estimated to realize gains of approximately $161 million over that same time period. Additionally, we can expect an extra $5 million in capital entitlement earnings over the ten year period from the centralized plan (and slightly less in the decentralized plan).
After studying the various documents and trying to understand how the savings are greater with the Decentralized Option, I have come to the following conclusion. Because the Centralized Plan utilizes Avondale Middle and Avondale High School, there is a loss of the 3 Million Dollars annually in savings from shuttering those schools. In addition, Nancy Creek is kept open in both models, so no savings is realized there. (In one model, it remains KMS, in the other it becomes a neighborhood school so the overhead costs remain the same.)
Fifteen million a year in the centralized plan and 16 million a year in the decentralized plan are the estimated savings. Neither analysis estimates ongoing maintenance costs, which given the age of these buildings are probably not insignificant.
Here are the links to the documents:
Not enough savings for the angst given 1 billion dollar budget
@ concerned Saving 15-16 million a year along with an overhaul of the palace would do the school district good. It would save money from a shrinking budget and could make the district better than what we currently have. Our kids deserve better than what they have now and doing nothing with a shrinking budget for who knows how much longer is not an option.
Me thinks the dollars speak for themselves, but there will be some politicing going on.
That $16 million would give teachers the step increases they haven't received in 3 years.
Do you really expect teachers to remain in DCSS with all it's myriad issues when we're among the lowest paid in the metro area?
If we have all these empty seats in the classroom then why do we still have over five hundred trailers many of witch we rent?
@ 11:17 because someone's friend or family member owns the trailers that we rent and is making money off the district.
The economic crisis is the only reason DCSS has a staff. The moment the economy begins to make significant gains, the folks at the Palace will have to return to the classroom because the teachers will escape en masse!
The budget will never be balanced as long as the same people are in charge of the purse strings.
Definition of insanity? Doing the same thing, the same way, over and over again, and expecting a different result.
Parents--please come to the schools. Please let your teachers and administrators know that you are concerned.
Residents of DeKalb--please attend the meetings. Please contact your representatives in government and insist that they serve your community. Your hard-earned tax dollars are being squandered by people who have no interest in the future of our county.
Teachers--please document, document, document. The fear tactics must stop. Insist upon fair and equitable treatment. Stand your ground and do what you know to be right. Do your own research to find effective strategies to ensure that your students receive a quality education.
Word walls and instructional boards do not a quality education make.
If I am reading the summary statement the two plans savings, they are basically the same at the end of ten years.
Maybe this will force everyone to realize what the real decision has been about all along - creating options for the next steps, not now. Theses savings are related to the changes right off the bat are just the ante.
The real money and the real decisions come after this phase.
I am convinced that "Plan C' which does not exist at this tiem ie the best. We must get "ALL" the state funding our children deserve countywide.
re: "Plan C"
Exactly right. Furthermore, any proposals made today HAVE to be made with some presumptions about future decisions that no one is discussing.
I haven't heard anyone discuss is which option creates additional cost savings opportunities AFTER they are in place. These figures are a ceteris paribus analysis and are only part of the financial considerations.
In my opinion, the system leaders already have an idea of what the 2020 vision plan will contain. Not knowing those things is a problem for our understanding. These decisions made this first round should be made with an eye towards what's next.
Eliminate the Office of School Imrpovement and save another $15 mil a year in salaries and benefits. Put that money back into the school house, and maybe eventually lower the property taxes we pay by a slight, slight percentage.
Amen! Kim. Again, the healing and recovery and remaking of Dekalb into a world class system must begin with a clear, UP TO DATE definition and vision of what a
21ST CENTURY education will look like. You are so right! While these current issues need to be examined and addressed. Dekalb is still stuck struggling to address YESTERDAY'S issues
Here is part of the problem in DeKalb. Take a look at the link with individual schools in its name.
Look at the salaries of the principals at these small schools. Why in the World would you have your most expensive, most experienced principals at some of the smallest schools?
In what realm does it make sense that you have elementary school principals with under 400 students making so much more than high school principals?
Certainly, I understand the variables that go into principal's salaries, but small schools should not have the most expensive principals.
Amen Kim! At the workshop I attended you heard it over and over again. Define the 2020 Vision and then decide the path for consolidation and balancing attendance. That's why so many were not in favor of either plan. The cost analysis will help now that they have it. I am disappointed that they didn't have these figures sooner so the public could come up with a viable Option 3.
It makes me nervous when DCSS or the consultants didn't have everything ready for public consumption, when these workshops started two weeks ago. Par for the course I guess..
re-principal salaries. You can't base principal salaries on the size of school. Some smaller schools may need a strong, experienced principal depending on the needs of the students and the quality of the support systems at the school (parents, teachers, facilities, etc.) Some larger schools can thrive on a leader without as much tenure becuase of other support systems in place. I know we are trying to find ways to save money but lets be careful about throwing the more experienced (and highest paid) principals under the bus wthout knowing the whole story.
Have to agree with Concerned. This savings is more or less what Ernst and Young's audit said the school system was over paying employees in 2005. Crawford Lewis choose to do nothing about it. I think we should ask Ramona Tyson to look at making these salary cuts first.
And what else can be cut in the central office before we make drastic changes that will negatively affect students?
I would pay the increased 15 dollars in property taxes so that my children's education isn't disrupted but I rather see some efficiency in the county office.
I find this interesting, but not surprising: "The centralized and decentralized options will essentially result in minimal, if any, variance in the cost of
transportation for the students affected by either option. It is likely that more students may be eligible for transportation however, decreasing the number of delivery locations (schools) will off-set the financial
That means in the centralized plan, there will be no busing to Avondale magnets. Consequently, less students will take advantage of the program, which means more students than projected in the home schools.
You all have been watchdogs on DCSS longer than I have, so tell me if I'm reading that wrong.
Can anyone tell me why Briar Vista and Fernbank are missing from page 2 and 3 of the efficiencies page? That information is truly necessary to get the broad picture of the plans in our neighborhood!
While I'm glad to have numbers, this analysis is so simplistic that I can't believe it to be a realistic assessment. My children attend Medlock, and if I am to make a sound decision, I want to know what the "costs" will be of packing so many children from our school into Laurel Ridge, McClendon, and Avondale. And this BS about the bus costs remaining roughly the same strikes me as the answer that is given when someone doesn't want to run the numbers (or fess up to the result).
Furthermore, if I'm reading the points page correctly, it looks like the staffing at Laurel Ridge remains the same despite this influx of students? So, we're adding more kids to Laurel Ridge from an area of the county that has seen a huge influx of younger families and children but without planning to increase the number of teachers?
"It makes me nervous when DCSS or the consultants didn't have everything ready for public consumption, when these workshops started two weeks ago. Par for the course I guess.."
This is a wise, if disturbing, observation ... this data has been there all along I have to think. Let's be frank - the leadership surely has some sort of modified plan "C" that includes magnet consolidation but that placates some of the other vocal opposition.
They know us. They know that we would fight change, however necessary and appropriate the change, in almost any scenario. They know from experience that very determined parent groups would be ready to tear apart any proposals using any available basis.
They also know we as parents are very short-sighted; that our arguments would center around our schools, our neighborhood, and our time (and perhaps this is natural and understandable). But this not "how to run a rail road."
The leadership is responsible for "the system;" a system with far too many schools for our population and budget. A system that all objective analysis requires major consolidation of its physical school plant.
I never thought that plan "A" and "B" would yield a radically different financial result in the absence of other changes. That is the point to me - there are other changes implied by the Centralized plan and not so much in the De-Centralized plan.
From the beginning and to this point, everything I see and learn re-enforces this perspective. The "De-Centralized" plan is more or less a status quo a la the Task Force - close a few tiny schools, shuffle some children around. In my opinion, the "Centralized" plan is the harbinger of greater changes (and greater $$$ savings to be born of the next phases of consolidation).
If we force the status quo, the leadership knows they will have just pushed the real problem down the road ... we have nearly double the number of schools we really can support financially.
@Kim, I bet you're quite right about the strategy behind releasing this data.
These numbers -- which really should not have been that difficult to put together -- come to us late on a Friday before the feedback period is supposed to end on Sunday. The timing is striking.
From Ramona Tyson:
On January 3, 2011, MGT America proposed two options (centralized and decentralized) for consideration in the consolidation and redistricting of schools for the 2011-12 school year. In order to implement either option,there will be movement of students from their current school location to a
new school location for the Fall of 2011 and an outlay of funds over the Summer of 2011 to implement the proposed changes. The annual operation and capital savings from the two options will more than offset the impact on students and one-time cost of implementation.
We estimate the centralized plan to save the DeKalb County School District approximately $150 million in operating costs over the next ten years; the option is estimated to realize gains of approximately $161 million over that same time period. Additionally, we can expect an extra $5 million in capital entitlement earnings over the ten year period from the centralized plan (and slightly less in the decentralized plan).
The savings breakdown over the next ten years is shown below. The attached documents provide a detailed breakdown of the costs and annual
Individual School Savings
$99 million-$113 million
Efficiencies in School Operation
$51 million-$48 million
Total Operation Savings
$150 million=$161 million
Additional Capital Entitlement Earnings $5 million Less than $5 million
As always, please remember to visit the website at
for updates and additional information.
Does anyone know the cost associated with portable learning cottages? Also the amount of funding lost per pupil when there are empty seats?
Thanks, Jeanie
@ 8:12 Principals were I have taught in other states have actually been paid according to both experience and the number of students in the school. More students equals more money. That is how it should be. A principal with 1,000 students has more work than one with 400.
Question for Kim G: Do you favor centralizing the magnets, keeping them as-is with access north and south but not necessary central, or doing away with them altogether and returning resources to home schools? I'd be curious as to your thoughts and reasoning on that subject...
The way I see it is there are those 3 options and none other.
These documents seem to take into account only the schools affected by closings. Actually the "Annual Savings" seemed to be only for closing schools. Where is the data for the other thousands of children being redistricted? Oh, maybe that comes out next Friday evening.
Looking at the centralize plan:
Livsey ES sends 163 kids to Midvale ES and Midvale now gets 8.42 extra points.
Medlock ES sends 89 kids to Laurel Ridge ES and their points actually go down. Does MES and LRES have a bunch of 5 graders?
Some anyone make sense of this?
How do we trust someone like Gene Walker with decisions like this? And this is the guy who Tom Bowen wanted to be BOE vice-chair!
Anon 8:13 says "Have to agree with Concerned. This savings is more or less what Ernst and Young's audit said the school system was over paying employees in 2005. "
CLew did do something. He assigned different job titles and RAISED the salaries.
I want to see the palace overhall go along with this. Sure we need to close some of the small schools. But why not do that one by one and WORK with the effected schools to make the transition successful for all?
Another point to consider. how many friends md family members are at the small schools? Many of these positios, even at alternative schools, are considered plum positions within the school system.
Seems to me every time our Palace Bozos release some information, it only generates more questions and we only have until Sunday to make public comments. Ms. Tyson you are continuing to act like your former boss.
What is the vision of the DeKalb County School System? I have asked this several times. The vision for 2020 should be posted for all to see.
There has to be a vision in order to strieve to get to by 2020. Why is this not shared with the public?????????? They have to have one. Why is it such a secret? We all should know what it is so we all have a better understanding. This should be public knowledge.
Ella, the 2020 website says the vision will be available in spring 2011. Look on the Master Plan tab:
@Cere: The numbers have been out there since Jan 3??? Wow, we've been ranting about them not being available at all the public meetings and forums. Ah, the truth, in plain sight but so elusive! Ha!
@PolitiMom: "there will be no busing to Avondale magnets. Consequently, less students will take advantage of the program, which means more students than projected in the home schools."
Well, I'm not sure I'd make that leap - there's too many variables we can't predict. Why would parents from the North or South really abandon the program, for example? If it is as important and valuable as claimed, I would think there would be very low attrition. From Brookhaven Station, you can take I think it's MARTA 22 or 8 right to Avondale. I know, the idea of taking public transportation to a public school ... crazy, right? Woodward Academy ES and HS students do it every day ...
Also, wouldn't the Avondale location and capacity mean MORE students could attend in theory regardless of their home district? I personally not buying the theory that it will lead to a decline in enrolment or the end of the program but that is just an opinion.
Above, an anonymous poster ask for my opinion about the two options on the table and rightly pointed out that the only really significant decision is about the Magnet programs. I agree with that perspective - this is ALL about the Magnets.
I have not tread on this sacred subject because I have learned that anything other than undying loyalty to the existing CCHS Magnet is grounds for public stoning. As one of the few people on this blog with my face and name attached to my real life, and as someone who has a stake in both Chamblee and Cross Keys attendance areas, I would be foolish to speak openly and honestly about my position on the Magnets.
They should be consolidated geographically and expanded in scope or eliminated completely. I really don't have strong feelings about which way we go in this regard. The issue for me is that the status quo is unacceptable in terms of the greatest "fairness" and unsustainable in terms of finances. Not because the Magnets programs are so expensive but because they are too small.
I've been consistent in my position on the size of our schools. I see the currently deployed Magnet programs as an obstacle to consolidation and we must consolidate and on a scale no one is talking about ... yet.
There are at least two carpools (maybe three?) a day from Dunwoody to DSA at Avondale High School.
If vouchers existed, a great many of these parents would jump at the opportunity to go to Westminster, Pace, even Woodward and they would find carpools.
Locating the program at Avondale would actually place it closer to the areas where transportion is truly a barrier.
If vouchers existed, do you actually think that Westminster would suddenly increase it enrollment to accommodate all these new students?
How much would a voucher have to be to pay for Westminster? $1000? $5000? $10000? $15000?
What would the average taxpayer be willing to give in vouchers per student?
Doesn't really matter because there's really no choice here. You can't close small schools unless you close Wadsworth (only about 150 students). You can't merge Wadsworth in with a "regular" program, as they used to be a magnet within Brown's Mill and sued (discrimination) to get a stand-alone facility like Kittredge. You can't merge BOTH Wadsworth and Kittredge into regular schools as there are too many students at Kittredge. Unless! You send all of the magnet 6th graders to the current magnet programs within regular middle school and make Kittredge and Wadsworth simply high achiever 4-5 magnets within another regular school. I think maybe - there could be somewhere to house the 4-5 grades of KMS (250-300 or so students?)
At any rate, as always, this is another discussion that is being held captive by the magnets, IMHO.
Vouchers are currently being used for special education and seem to work fairly effectively. The only amount students are entitled to is what the system would get from the state. Somewhere around $5,000-$6,000 for special ed: would only be about $4,000 per regular student I'm guessing. The state deposits it in an account for the student at the selected private school and the family pays the rest or gets some scholarship from somewhere. Same admission criteria as everyone else at the school. It just helps take the financial sting out of having to go private if the public school can't meet your needs.
How much would taxpayers be willing to give? How about the same amount we give now. If you eliminated the bloated, inefficient and corrupt DeKalb County School System and divided the total amount of dollars by the current number of students it comes out to what? Over ten grand per student. Private schools would pop up over night to earn that money! And I'm sure they would be more efficient that DCSS as parents could "vote" with their vouchers.
I am a single mother in section H housing. My kid is scoring at the lowest third on the CRCT of a school that did not meet AYP for 4 years.
Can I use one of these vouchers for Woodward Academy? More than that will Woodward take my child?
If your child is a special education student, then yes, you can get a voucher for a private school that can better fit his or her needs if that's what you think will help (no need to prove anything). Yes, he or she must be accepted into the school and yes, the difference in tuition must be paid by someone. You may be surprised at the number of scholarships available at private schools though - and they are all working to increase their diversity.
Other than that - currently, there are no vouchers available for regular ed students. But there is always talk of it in the legislature.
Aside from a voucher, if I were you, I would go to the principal and insist that your child receive private tutoring as is available through the NCLB law.
Bring your $10000 voucher right now. I am starting a private school. My teachers don't have to be certified, I don't have to give state tests, and I get to select which kids/parents with $10000 vouchers I take in.
For every student I accept, I will give back $1000 (either as Mac computer or a clothing gift certificate for uniforms or groceries)
See: we both win!
Ironically, I actually think that there's a possibility for a school like this to be successful. However, vouchers for regular ed, if and when they are ever passed into legislation (a pipe dream at the moment) - will only be for about $4,000 or so...
You and both know that Woodward Academy would not take my child.
We both know that my kid could be tutored by Bill Gates, Barack Obama, and the ghost of Albert Einstein with no improvement if I, his mother, do not change my priorities or his environment.
We can't just continuously blame the teachers, you know.
A Mother Theresa school like that ironically. as you say, might work.
Urban catholic schools like that are successful with disadvantaged but caring parents.
For profit schools like that, not so much. The profit motive corrupts its purpose and selects only students who will be successful.
So I just read those links from AccessNorthGeorgia.com that someone posted about Gene Walker. As a woman, I am shocked that he was elected, let alone that he even ran for office.
I'm blown away that eduKALB endorsed him, and that the DeKalb chapter of the League of Woman Voters, which is a strong chapter, didn't bring this to the public's attention.
How is he in a position of power with a majortiy female employee base?
I can't wait until the DeKalb Delegation changes the BOE to five members, and Walker gets voted out.
"Urban catholic schools like that are successful with disadvantaged but caring parents."
I went to a very successful urban Catholic school, and one of the main reasons it was successful was its very streamlined administration. A principal, a few staff members, and teachers. That was it. There weren;t a lot of extra pennies around, but every single one was focused on the classroom.
Yes, the non-stop fundraisers got old, but almost every single mom and dad volunteered in one capacity or another.
The comments seemed to have diverged from the original subject.
In the efficiencies document, does the first page represent the projected reduction in points if the schools do not closed? So DCSS is predicting the enrollment would go down at all those schools if they stayed open for 2011-2012 school year? That seems odd. Or, does page one represent something else?
eduKALB knew all too well about Gene Walker and his background. However, they really did not think anyone had a chance against him. Many including the members of eduKalb were probable shocked that Ella did as well as she did against Gene Walker. He always blows everyone away on the ballot who runs against him. Ella actually did well.
I think most were shocked that Bowen want Gene Walker to be the Vice-Chair of the School Board with his history with women. It is ashamed. However, Dr. Walker was elected by the people of DeKalb County so they apparently do not care (as eduKalb and the DeKalb Teacher's Union) about his past. They only care politically what he will do for them politically. You scratch my back and I will scratch yours.
Anon @11:49. Laurel Ridge only has about 45 +/- fifth graders this year. It was a very small class. Next years fifth grade has only 65 +/- without any incoming from Medlock.
Laurel Ridge has value as it is the top elem. school in the ssytem for mainstreaming disabled students. They do a fantastic job with it and have so for years.
I don't know a single woman who would have voted for Gene Walker is they were aware of these previous issues.
Saving 15 or $16 million a year will only reduce the $55 million shortfall.
It will do nothing to improve the educational system. It is only give aid and comfort to the administration to keep them from cutting the bloat.
By the way, is the person who is filling in for Ramona as the head of the MIS receiving Ramona's salary? That seems only fair since Ramona is receiving Clew's salary..
Isn't the fact that MIS is still running along at its usual course without Ramona pretty good evidence that her position at MIS is really unnecessary?
@9:02PM.... and so on and so forth. The BOE's logic does not hold water.
The team's $1000000 quarterback gets hurt. You bring in a $250000 offensive tackle to play quarterback.
Since the $1000000 quarterback was an alcoholic the team was not going anywhere.
The $250000 offensive tackle makes 2 or 3 passes thus seems to be a better quarterback than the injured one.
So the coaching staff gives the offensive tackle $800000 for this season and another $80000 to sear out next season when the draft a real quarterback.
Is that what is happening in Dekalb County?
check out the music cost. Love the programs but some of these salaries are whack! Even if you split them between band and orchestra teachers.
@ Anonymous 9:02
After heading up MIS for many years, Ms. Tyson was the Deputy Superintendent of Business Operations, one of only 4 direct reports to Crawford Lewis. She was over Human Resources and Finance when before the Lewis and Pop/Reid indictments. Dr. Lewis recommended her for Interim Superintendent, and the BPE confirmed her appointment.
I meant to say:
Dr. Lewis recommended her (Ms. Tyson) for Interim Superintendent, and the BOE confirmed her appointment."
Our opinions do NOT matter. They already know what they are going to do, which they are going to choose. Our input means not one iota to them. Understand this.
@ 9:23 Sadly many of the salaries at DCSS are out of whack. This is a huge problem with the DCSS budget. We constantly over pay people with little or no experience. Something has to give soon. Our children have given enough and are suffering for the incompetence of the administration, board of education and others making decisions.
@ Anonymous 9:50 PM and Anonymous 9:02 PM
Just a few edits to what you wrote to reflect reality:
After heading up MIS for many years, where, by any measure, she was a miserable failure, Ms. Tyson was named the Deputy Superintendent of Business Operations (chief operating officer). This is in line with DCSS's policy of promoting mediocre and failing employees while punishing those who are successful.
As one of only four (4) direct reports to Crawford Lewis, Tyson supervised Human Resources and Finance before the Lewis and Pope/Reid indictments. She was in a position to know exactly what was going on. She had access to everything. She had to have known. But, she never spoke up.
Helpfully, Lewis recommended Tyson (who had only 2-1/2 years of teaching business education some 20 years ago) for Interim Superintendent. Conveniently, the BOE confirmed her appointment. Lewis's secrets were safe!
In appointing Tyson, the BOE also confirmed that the Palace "leadership" is completely untouchable. The BOE went on to put the seal on that by bowing to Tyson's unconscionable and outrageous demand for an unearned, undeserved raise.
We are so being played -- by the Palace Mafia and the sycophants on the BOE. I am embarrassed to say that I live in DeKalb County.
Re vouchers-the difference in private schools and public schools is that private schools do not have to admit all students and may easily kick out any student. Vouchers will then result in the private schools getting all the good students and public schools will become something akin to reform schools. American society has used public education to an advantage that promotes good citizenship, social stability, and prevents revolution. If you widden the gap between the haves and the have nots you will reap the whirl wind.
Options in private schools are vast and differentiated. They have become this way to meet the growing demand from parents whose children have not succeeded in public schools. If you think it's either the Buckhead schools or a Catholic education, you aren't paying attention. There are literally hundreds of choices now. To assert that with vouchers, private schools will have all the top students because they can kick out the ones they don't like, is simplistic and uninformed. First, when children - whatever their socioeconomic background - are enrolled in schools where they are engaged, developed and challenged in meaningful ways, it obviates many behavior issues. Expectations are clear, consequences for poor decisions are swift but the intention is to help the child grow, not to prove he is an imperfect person who should have never made a mistake. What private schools have more of are adults with meaningful, mentoring relationships with students - taking the genuine interest in them that helps them develop their own interests and passions. So part of the reason there are fewer behavior issues in a private setting is because kids are not in combative relationships with teachers and administrators the way they often are in DeKalb. I know our teachers are swamped and the kinds of connections I'm describing may seem impossible. But what we're doing now - with all these adults at the Palace whose focus is pushing paper and not developing students - is what leads to drop outs and despair.
Anon: 11:07 -- Hear, Hear!!! I think that private schools with vouchers would really fill in the void. I find that so many who want to be against vouchers have chosen to have "choice" for themselves but want to preclude choice for those who can't afford to go private. There are so many people out there who could really benefit from such a system. The corruption we have in our current system is so vast and so out of control that the whatever would happen with vouchers can not possibly be worse and could only be better (at worst it would be as bad -- I can't imagine that it would be worse because it would take too many actors cooperating together to get to where it currenlty is if you have each parent choosing where to put his or her $5000 or $10,000 - it would take a whole lot to get to where we are now for "out of control" and "completely uneducated").
Two things:
The only way to end the corruption in DCSS would be to remove the massive amounts of money flowing into the system. To a large degree, the public school system depends on altruists to do the right thing in educating our children - teachers who care and work extra hours grading papers, coaches who work 12 hour days, the director of the musical - you see what I'm saying. But the people at the top have clawed their way to their exorbitant pay grade not because of an intrinsic desire to develop the minds of children. I have met many of these people and I have watched some fine leaders exiled for their attempts to change the culture. But those currently in charge will not voluntarily change the way they are conducting themselves. Perhaps withdrawing money and students from the system via vouchers is the answer.
A corollary:
The amount of fund-raising I have done for my kids in public school would have gone a long way towards paying for a private education. Then there is all the extra $ we kicked in for field trips, All State, uniforms, sports.I don't even want to add it up.
"if you have each parent choosing where to put his or her $5000 or $10,000 - it would take a whole lot to get to where we are now for "out of control" and "completely uneducated".
If the private school admit their children-they do not have to. We are out of control now. The state representative from Marietta has file a bill (Freedom to Travel) that abolishes driver's licenses in Georgia and a bill to require payments to or from the state to be made in silver or gold. Georgia is too big to be an insane asylum and too small to be a nation. When you all get your vouchers it will be your neighborhood the mob comes for.
To Anonymous:
"Our opinions do NOT matter. They already know what they are going to do, which they are going to choose. Our input means not one iota to them. Understand this.
I can assure you that you are 100%, absolutely, positively wrong. This has not been a dog and pony show.
Cere... I think the reason that the maintenance costs were not included, is that the building will have to be maintained whether students are in them or not.
There may actually be some savings since certain repairs that would have to be made if the building were inhabited would not need to be made if they are vacant.
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