This is where the Central Office gets itself in trouble:
Don Roberts is now the instrumental coordinator for the DeKalb County School System and creator of the show “DRUMLine Live”.
Dallas Austin, producer of the 2002 movie “Drumline,” approached Roberts to consult for the film while researching bands in DeKalb County.
Roberts tweaked the concept for a theater setting and was picked up by Columbia Artists Management.
The 38-member cast of “DRUMLine Live” is currently working its way through a second U.S. tour and has completed two tours in Japan and Korea.
After working on the movie, Roberts said he knew he wanted to continue to bring the band experience to audiences.
This is great for Mr. Roberts, and I hope it has proved to be artistically and financially rewarding for him. Really, congrats to him!
But as we've seen with Yvonne Butler, Ralph Simpson, Morcease Beasely, and the worst offender, Ram Ramsey, when someone is an administrator for the DeKalb Co. School System, with second and third jobs, it should in no way affect the forty hour work week we expect from them and pay them for. And DCSS administrators are supposed to work 12 months a year.
I hope that Mr. Roberts' responsibilities for Drumline Live in no way interefere with his job duties as the instrumental coordinator for the school system. I hope that he does not spend one second during his work day, other than on his lunch, to do Drumline Live business, I hope he doesn't use a DCSS computer or DCSS phone to do so. Taxpayers pay him to be our system's instrumental coordinator. Period.
We've seen what happens when administrators like Yvonne Butler spend so much time out of the classroom during the school year to promote themselves, make money, etc. for other endeavors. Even while being paid full-time by DCSS. "Bookgate" only became a public scandal because we here on this blog pushed it (
-Still not sure why Ralph Simpson was allowed to remain a highly compensated DCSS administrator while Butler was fired. It pays to be buddies with the bigwigs.
Ron Ramsey's Office of Internal Affairs was aware of the Butler and Simpson situations, but failed ignored them. I guess that makes sense as anything Ramsey did would seem hypocritical with his multiple non-DCSS responsibilities. Ramsey has one of the top five positions in the school system, yet he is out three months of the year at the state senate and also runs multiple family businesses.
Morcease Beasely, who by all accounts has the second most important job for the 26th largest school system in America: He's in charge of academics!! But how fully committed can he truly be to that incredibly important job when he's also a pastor trying to build a new church, and according to his website, is a consultant, author, leadership coach, etc. And he sells an online check registry (?):
It's also telling that it is system administrators who have these prominent other jobs and duties. Would the Office of Internal Affairs approve of teachers doing the same? Or does the Office of Internal Affairs have a "Kiss Up, Kick Down" philosophy (
I think we all know the answer on how Ramsey and the retired but still making bank Robert Tucker would treat teachers in the same situation as Butler, Simpson, Beasely and Ramsey himself.
original post

This is your DeKalb County School System's Director of the Office of Internal Affairs.
And if you live in DeKalb in District 43, this is your state senator.
1) 2007 Salary: $115,000 -- 2009 Salary: $140,000
Hey county teachers, how many of you saw a $25,000 raise in 24 months?
2) No prior experience in public education administration.
3) The DeKalb Delegation has been meeting with the public twice a year over the past 5-6 years to update county residents on the legislative session and pressing legislation, and more importantly, to listen to county resident concerns.
Ramsey has not attended any of these public meetings.
4) Ramsey, as state senator, has not written or passed any substantial legislation.
5) He and his family own multiple businesses. So in addition to his full-time DCSS position, and a state senate position that is full time for at least three months of the year, he has multiple businesses to operate. I can only hope he doesn't use his DCSS phone or computer to perform any senate or personal business.
6) Ramsey receives $17,342 a year as a state senator. However, he also receives a per diem every day the state senate is in session, or if he goes to the Gold Dome out of session for senate business, of a generous $173 per day.
The per diem was originally meant for legislators who live far from the capitol and can't drive home at the end of a day in session. Ramsey gets the same per diem for at least 40 days a year, approx. $7,000 (the actual number of days is most likely double), plus the annual salary and benefits.
7) Under Ramsey's tenure as head of DCSS Internal Affairs, the unprecedented happened: The system's Superintendent and Chief Operating Officer were indicted under the RICO Act for criminal enterprise. Despite red flags such as the Lewis vehicle purchase, Gasgate, the Lewis trips to the Bahamas and Ritz Carlton even after warned by Marcus Turk not to pay for them on p-card, the awareness that Vincent Pope was a subcontractor on DCSS projects, etc., the Office of Internal Affairs completely failed in its directive.
8) The other DCSS scandals that occurred under Ron Ramsey's watch are too numerous to list: paying New Birth for rent for a charter school when there are a number of vacant DCSS properties, the Yvonne Bulter/Ralph Simpson Bookgate, the Frankie Callaway grade chaging scandal, the hiring of a Human Resources Diector with a criminal past, MIS' Jamal Edwards (son of former BOE member Franics Edwards) not being in his assigned school for six months with pay before parents finally had enough, etc., etc., etc. The list goes on and on. The list of nepotism hires in the system is a very long one.
9) Even though he is retired with a full pension, taxpayers also pay Robert Tucker to work at the Office of Internal Affairs, in a position that can be summed up as Ramsey's right hand man. A few years back, the AJC did a story on the number of retired DCSS administrators who still worked for the system, the "double-dippers". The Board of Education promised to end the practice. Except in Tucker's case, obviously.
10) This is the most unbelievable aspect of Ron Ramsey's career to me: 40,000 residents of this county live in Dunwoody, over 5% of the county's population. When Dunwoody wanted to become a city, as is their right, when we already have a number of cities in the county (Chamblee, Doraville, Pine Lake, Decatur, Lithonia, Stone Mountain, Avondale Estates, Clarkston), Ron Ramsey calles for an economic boycott of Dunwoody????
And unthinkably, neither the DeKalb Delegation nor the Board of Education publicly reprimanded him for this humilating action. Action like the boycott demanded by Ramsey would hurt sales tax revenue which hurts DCSS SPLOST revenue. Perimeter Mall is located in Dunwoody...would Ramsey rather have shoppers go to Lenox and Phipps?
State Sen. Ronald Ramsey (D-DeKalb) angrily charged that the legislation was “done in the dark.”
“We will have an economic boycott against the entire Dunwoody community and the PCID,” he said.
Simply mind numbing that the DeKalb Delegation and the Board of Education did not publicly reprimand Ramsey for his irresponsible statements.
Should we be satisfied with Ron Ramsey's performance as head of DCSS Internal Affairs? Even with a new superintendent in July, will the system actually change much with Ramsey and Tucker in place? The Board of Education has some decisions to make. We suggest they address these important credibility issues before they make any more cuts to the classroom or ask communities to endure painful (possibly unnecessary) redistricting.
You forgot to mention the Larry Jester scandal.
Those parents were lucky Jamal edwards didn't show up ... Work with him for a year ..... Worthless
According to Jeff Dickerson this morning on the "Georgia Gang," he said that Mr. Ramsey is one of the hardest working employees if not the hardest working employee at DCSS. And, that he reduces his DCSS pay for all the days that he is out of the office and down at the Dome! Probably if one checks the Ga.Gov web site that lists annual DCSS salaries, his DCSS pay as a Director has hovered around $114,500 per year without any substantial deductions.
Flack Jeff Dickerson made a big deal on the GG today about how DeKalb was the only school system that had prosecuted staff for changing test scores (the Atherton scandal), and that it was because of Ron Ramsey.
But there were a number of DCSS schools with CRCT test scores that showed improvement that was mathematically impossible. So what about those schools, Ron and Jeff?
And Dickerson forgot to mention that Crawford Lewis sent out a district-wide letter of support for James Berry and the asst. V.P. who changed the CRCT scores.
What has Ron Ramsey done about the grades that were changed "not by teachers" and teachers being pressured to change grades? The Central Office personnel who were involved in this are still employed and taking more in our tax dollars than ever while the teachers (one a Georgia Tech math graduate) were let go.
Ron Ramsey could have save taxpayers tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars if he had investigated Pope/Reid and Lewis. That was/is his job. Instead we are mired in an unbelievable deficit and our children are sitting in huge classes.
And why hasn't he investigated the female employee who accompanied Lewis on trips to the Bahamas and other resorts using the county purchase card? She is in a high paying position making educational policy for students and teachers. What are we paying him for?
Why does this man still have his job? Let him go.
How can Ramona Tyson have any credibility when she has kept Ron Ramsey in the position of Internal Investigations? Does anyone doubt that this employee should have been fired?
Does anyone know what connection Ron Ramsey has with Jeff Dickerson?
Pat Pope also bought a car grossly undervalued, didn't she?
At least he loves Dunwoody.
"The mission of the Office of Internal Affairs (OIA) is to provide a forum to ensure that the Board of Education’s policies, as well as federal and state regulations are followed, with respect to fair and equal treatment in employment, training, promotion and retention. The goal is to provide expeditious and professional customer service to DeKalb County School System employees, students, parents, and community stakeholders, regarding any complaint, controversy, or request for assistance."
Ron Ramsey - hired by Crawford Lewis:
2007 - $115,000 in salary and benefits
2009 - $140,000 in salary and benefits
Teachers, did you get a 22% raise from 2007 to 2009 from Dr. Lewis. Was this in the BOE minutes? Ramsey had the exact same job title and description. Why did he get a 22% raise?
We really need published salary schedules for every employee in DCSS.
What's going on with Human Resources that they would pay Ron Ramsey 22% more between 2007 to 2009 when he has the exact same job title? Has anyone asked the head of HR - Jamie Wilson? Of course Ron Ramsey works in HR.
It's really hard to hide your salary "bumps" when the state publishes your salary. Maybe they think no one will ever look. Does Jeff Dickerson have a spin for this?
Way to go O&T.
The dude is a phantom...nobody really knows anything about him....and obviously has influence because none of his fellow legislators had a thing to say about his racist reaction to the Dunwoody/PCID thing.
You really should continue to put the Dunwoody quote up every time you publish Ramsey's corruption. (Well--you really didn't go to corruption.)
What happened to old "Justice in DeKalb"? He/she seemed ready to puke all over Ramsey with the goods.
"equal treatment in employment, training, promotion and retention. "
So why did Ramsey make 22% more while in the same job title from 2007 to 2009? Has he investigated this?
@9:31 are you saying this wasn't done?
Ron Ramsey needs to be replaced with someone who will investigate corruption in DCSS. Why hasn't Ms. Tyson replaced him? He's the very one who should have stopped Lewis and Pope from looting our chidren's futures. Why did he do nothing and why is he still employed getting taxpayers' hard earned dollars?
any news on the thefts of all the computer equipment from all of the schools that seem to be inside jobs?
The real inquiry here is to see where Ramsey and the Bishop overlap; and then to see when (and how) Vernon Jones and Ramsey (and Long) overlap; and then layer that onto what we've been discussing here at the DCSS Blog and following with the indictments. My guess is that there is a bunch of overlap that no one high enough up is really looking into all of this and that is why he was (a) elected and hired in the first place and (b) received his 22% raise. I think it's part of a pattern of connections that someone ought to be piecing together and my fear is that the new DA, who may alo be friends with the Bishop, may work a much simpler deal to let it go instead. (Both the person running against Hank Johnson and her supporters and the attorney who sued the Bishop have received death threats for things that they have done that have been tangentially related to these things). The corruption I think runs deeper than we'd like to believe.
Where is the reporting for Ron Ramsey's campaign contributions? I can't find a list of his contributions for his run for state senator. Does anyone else see his filing?
@ 10:45 I believe that you are correct.
I thought periodic campaign disclosure reports were supposed to filed by all candidates.
It is my understanding that Turk reported the misuse of the P-card by Lewis and repaid this system. Was this because of Ramsey or Turk's threats.
Tucker was Lewis and Edwards friends. He has been retired about 7 or 8 years and never missed a day as a highly paid consultant to threaten employees into resigning.
Bookgate was approved by Lewis and DeKalb will end up paying$$$ for these mistakes. Ramsey is in title only : Tucker is the DECISION MAKER!!! So sad for our system.
The entire central office staffs shold be downsized and salaries cut tremendously.
Put the funds in the school house and let the local school administrators, faculties and staffs get the job done.
Mr. Ramsey's website says:
"Contributions are needed for our Re-election efforts. Please invest in your future by keeping Ronald Ramsey as your Senator. Please contribute generously. Maximum contributions are $2,400.00 for the primary campaign.
Please remit your contributions to the following address:
Ronald Ramsey 43 Senate Committee
Re: Donations
5271 Snapfinger Woods Drive
Decatur, Georgia 30035"
But there are no contributions filed with DeKalb County:
Aren't all candidates supposed to file their contribution reports?
I would like to see the contributors to Ron Ramsey's campaign. Where would I get that information?
"Tucker was Lewis and Edwards friends. He has been retired about 7 or 8 years and never missed a day as a highly paid consultant to threaten employees into resigning." (per blogger above)
This is indeed true. I know firsthand. He is a cold individual who intimidates people into saying things in depositions that they don't want to say by saying "don't you mean to say ....?" He protects the guilty with no remorse and delivers statements defaming innocent people's character without even a blink of the eye.
He does the real dirty work that Ron Ramsey rubber stamps.
My only consolation with both of these powerful no-gooders is God knows the injustice and I've come to the place where I'm able to live with that. God will have the last word.
Ramsey and Bob Tucker never seem to investigate thoroughly anything related to DCSS Atheltics:
Here's Ron Ramsey's campaign contributors and expenditures:
Wow, ODE's David Shutten loves himself some Ron Ramsey:
Guess David doesn't mind when administrators get a $25,000 raise over two years while teachers get furlough days and an underfunded pension.
And this is interesting:
Are you tired of the Senator lining his pockets with YOUR tax dollars?
-He receives a 6-figure salary + expenses + benefits from DeKalb County Schools...paid for by the tax payers
-He receives that salary in addition to his salary as a State Senator even when he is missing in action at DeKalb County Schools...paid for by the tax payers
-He and his wife receive an additional 6-figures of your tax dollars each year for their daycare/school...paid for by the tax payers
-He cannot vote for many issues regarding education because he is an employee of the DeKalb County Schools.
Considering Education makes up approximately 60% of the state budget, don't you think having a State Senator who can can actually vote on these issues is important?
Here's an entry regarding a contributor to Ron Ramsey when he first ran in 2006:
Eddie Long
10 Hunt Valley Drive
Lithonia, GA 30058
Self-employed 07/06/2006
2006 $0.00 $2,000.00
Eddie Long
10 Hunt Valley Drive
Lithonia, GA 30058
New Birth Missionary Baptist Church 07/26/2006
Run-Off Primary
2006 $0.00 $1,000.00
Vanessa Long
1267 Greenridge Avenue
Lithonia, GA 30058
Elder and First Lady
New Birth Missionary Baptist Church 07/26/2006
Run-Off Primary
2006 $0.00 $1,000.00
Weird, on his Oct. campaign contribution list, not one contributor is located in Dekalb County:,%20Ronald%20Bernard&Year=2010&Report=October%2025th%20-%20Election%20Year
And he spent campaign funds on weird contributions:
Williams 4 Clerk of the Court, Maricopa County
P. O. Box 63662
Phoenix, AZ 85082
Helping Hands Free Clinic
1421 Morse Road
Columbus, OH 43229
Committee to Elect Jim Nichols
217 Turnstone Road
Stockbridge, GA 30281,%20Ronald%20Bernard&Year=2010&Report=September%2030th%20-%20Election%20Year
What is he spending $503.48 at the Hilton Savannah to campaign for a DeKalb County election?,%20Ronald%20Bernard&Year=2010&Report=March%2031st%20-%20Election%20Year
What's this, repaying $2,300.00 to The Kingdom Group, Inc.
5271 Snapfinger Woods Drive
Decatur, GA 30035? Isn't that his own address??
Weird, he gets to pay his $250.0 NAACP membership out of campaign funds?,%20Ronald%20Bernard&Year=2009&Report=December%2031st%20-%20Non-Election%20Year
Why is he getting so many out of state campaign contributions??
$2,3000.00 from Stanley J. Blue dba The Blue Group
4006 Otter Drive
Memphis, TN 38128
$500 from Phoenix, AZ
$250 from Lakeland, FL
$250 from Schaumburg, IL
Hmmm...ODE gave him $400.00 in October 2008.
"He cannot vote for many issues regarding education because he is an employee of the DeKalb County Schools."
That's odd. Many of his contributors are educational organizations or educational PACS.
Troutman Sanders is a consistent contributor. Didn't they do some business with DeKalb Schools?
Here's an entry regarding a contributor to Ron Ramsey when he first ran in 2006:
Eddie Long
Vanessa Long
"Elder and First Lady" FIRST LADY??
New Birth Missionary Baptist Church 07/26/2006
OK, now we know why DCSS pays $140,000 a year in rent to New Birth for the DLA charter school, run by Frankie Callaway, despite the fact the system has so many other facilities not in use.
From an old post, Ramsey's businesses:
Source: GA Secretary of State -
FL Secretary of State -
5271 Snapfinger Woods Dr
Decatur, GA 30035
Control #0626234
Entity Creation Date – 3/14/06
PO BOX 1040 5271 Snapfinger Woods Dr
Lithonia, GA 30058 Decatur, GA 30035
Control # K632426
Entity Creation Date – 9/20/96
5271 Snapfinger Woods Dr PO BOX #830276
Decatur, GA 30035 Stone Mountain, GA 30083
Control #K922245
Entity Creation Date – 5/27/99
2840 White Court NE Principal Address: 434 Skinner Blvd
Conyers, GA 30012 Dunedin, FL 34698
Document Number – 759899
FEI/EIN Number - 593723251
Control #K815988
Entity Creation Date – 9/2/81
Doris V. Carrington-Ramsey (Spouse)
5271 Snapfinger Woods Dr
Decatur, GA 30035
Control #0139171
Entity Creation Date – 8/28/01
Ronald Ramsey – CEO Registered Agent’s Address
Richard A. Kaye – Registered Agent 1360 Peachtree St., Ste. #1200
Lisa Yanett – CFO Atlanta, GA 30309
Michael Emanuele - Secretary
650 Mount Zion Rd Ste #D
Jonesboro, GA 30236
Control #K609864
Entity Creation Date – 3/5/96
Ronald Ramsey – CEO
Richard Allan Kaye – Registered Agent
Lisa Yanett – CFO
Michael Emanuele - Secretary
650 Mount Zion Rd
Jonesboro, GA 30236
Control #J505024
Entity Creation Date – 12/15/83
Ronald Ramsey – CEO
Richard Allan Kaye – Registered Agent
Lisa Yanett – CFO
Michael Emanuele - Secretary
650 Mount Zion Rd
Jonesboro, GA 30236
Control #0046628
Entity Creation Date – 10/13/00
5271 Snapfinger Woods Dr
Decatur, GA 30035
Control #062635
Entity Creation Date – 3/14/06
Doris Carrington-Ramsey (Spouse)
5271 Snapfinger Woods Dr
Decatur, GA 30035
Control #K832143
Entity Creation Date – 8/28/98
Doris Carrington-Ramsey (Spouse)
5271 Snapfinger Woods Drive
Decatur GA 30035
(770) 593-9911
5271 Snapfinger Woods Dr
Decatur, GA 30035
Control #0628545
Entity Creation Date – 4/4/06
Doris V. Carrington-Ramsey (Spouse)
5271 Snapfinger Woods Dr
Decatur, GA 30035
Control #07038289
Entity Creation Date – 5/4/07
PO BOX 1040 6835/6920 Main Street
Lithonia, GA 30058 Lithonia, GA 30058
Control #0019014
Entity Creation Date – 4/17/00
1259 Metropolitan Ave SE
Atlanta, GA 30316
Control #K702844
Entity Creation Date – 1/10/97
2840 White Court NE
Conyers, GA 30012
Control #K815988
Entity Creation Date – 4/8/98
And this is a nice campaign contribution:
Educational Consultative Services, Inc. – ($500 – 6/02/08)
She also stated that she asked Ramsey point blank if he took a leave from DCSS while serving at the Capitol for 40 days per year as a state senator. He answered, "yes".
When I think of Ron Ramsey, I think of this:
I didn't know Ramsey used to own a Christian School:
"Our commitment is to provide quality academic instruction in a Christian-based environment, and wholesome, nonviolent play for kids," said Ronald Ramsey.
Last October, after a $2 million investment, the partners opened Kingdom Kare, a childcare center; Kingdom Academy, a Christian school; and Kingdom Kastle, a fun and entertainment center, in a 25,000-square-foot building in the Snapfinger Woods Business Park.
The word was out in the community that the pulpit at New Birth was vacant. A pastor search committee was formed by 16 of the members. Through word of mouth, they received 37 applications. They prayed and extensively weeded out applications for weeks, conducting interviews and listening to taped sermons of pastors. Selected
applicants were invited to conduct a sermon at the Sunday services. New Birth was nearing a decision when church member Ronald Ramsey highly recommended a minister
named Rev. Eddie Long who had just performed Ramsey’s wedding ceremony.
Hey Jeff Dickerson!!
Lewis said Ron Ramsey and his Internal Affairs office were investigating Pat Pope.
But they never went to the proper authorities. Only when C Lew was questioned by the DA about Gasgate did Lewis spill the beans on Pat Pope.
Hey Ron, when were you going to tell anyone about your investigation?
Lewis’ interview with the District Attorney’s Office initially focused on his purchase of a county vehicle and questionable gas purchases on his county credit card.
But midway through the interview, he veered off topic to discuss Pat Pope and what he had recently learned about her.
***Lewis said the school district’s internal affairs office had been investigating Pope for several weeks, after one of Pope’s employees “made lots of allegations about Ms. Pope and other things that she had seen in the office that are not right, about contracts.”
***Lewis also said that internal affairs had been investigating allegations that Pope had tampered with the competitive bidding process on construction projects.
Here's the website for one of his schools:
Did he sell it?
Hey Dick Williams, either Jeff Dickerson is mistaken or Ramsey told Ella a lie. It's an either/or. The Georgia Gang needs to give the public accuate information. And it also needs to stop listing "Jeff Dickerson, Atlanta Tribune"!
Ella Smith posted a comment about Ron Ramsey, head of DCSS Internal Affairs, stating that she had met several people, judges included, who had good things to say about Ramsey. (He has been critiqued here at this blog many times.) She also stated that she asked Ramsey point blank if he took a leave from DCSS while serving at the Capitol for 40 days per year as a state senator. He answered, "yes".
Here's the website to the Kingdom Group:
Wow, Ron and his wife are really into the Christian school thing.
"to maximize a child's intellectual capacity from a Christian perspective"
I wonder where Ron stands on vouchers??
•The mission of Kingdom Group is to maximize a child's intellectual capacity from a Christian perspective regardless of denominational preference, economic, racial or social background. We believe that self-esteem is the critical component to optimal growth in young children. The purpose of Kingdom Educational Ministries, Inc. is to maximize a child's intellectual capacity from a Christian perspective regardless of denominational preference, economic, racial or social background. We believe that self-esteem is a critical component to optimal growth in young children. In order for a child to develop high self-esteem, we focus on developing the socialization and self-help skills needed to succeed in all areas of life. Children at Kingdom Academy are given the opportunity to explore, experiment and be creative in a safe and nurturing environment. We are celebrating 10 years as a community partner in missionary Christ-likeness. We admit children regardless of race, religion, disability, or ethnic origin, to share in all the rights, privileges, programs and activities made available to all students. We do not discriminate in the administration of our educational policies, enrollment policies, or any school-administered programs. Our Christian-based curriculum recognizes and celebrates multi-cultural diversity.
Sorry. Not a valid address. Here's one:
Wait, so while Ramsey works for DCSS, and is a state senator, he also owned a private school??
I was very dissatified with our time at the Kingdom Group. My daughter learned a lot of things, but they weren't all good things. Alot of the staff is very unprofessional and a little to laid back and aren't mindful of what they're exposing the children to. I would not recommend this school if you're ... Read more looking for diversity or professionalism. Don't get me wrong many of the employees are very friendly, but that doesn't always cut it. I will be searching for a new school for my daughter.
Wait, the school's address is Ramsey's senate office address too?[ga-senate]
District Address: 5271 Snapfinger Woods Drive, Decatur, GA 30035
Yep, that's what is says on his state senate bio:
Is it a state senate office or his personal business address or both???
5271 Snapfinger Woods Drive
Decatur GA 30035
Lay off of the past. I assure you that Jester and Elder will correct everything, with the help of McChesney ( who happens to be the most vocal .. yet the weekest link. DeKalb need true leadership is Williamson, McGregor and the other great leader we had that were not intomicro-management and would neber depend on public input from annon. web discrumbled employees.
At least on his own website,, he mentions his New Birth affiliation. And his ODE endorsement.
And there's 5271 Snapfinger Road. School. Senate Office too.
Funny, no mention of his DCSS employment on his website.
Make sure you click the "Legal" tab on his site. Very, very funny what pops up.
"any news on the thefts of all the computer equipment from all of the schools that seem to be inside jobs?"
Sorry Anon 10:21 PM, even with Ron Ramsey Robert Tucker, two school police chiefs and nine detectives, no news on all the missing DCSS computers.
A current BOE member told me that the thefts seem to be inside jobs.
He said it nonchalantly, like hey, what's a few hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of missing computers!
Ron Ramsey and his staff are too busy hassling teachers instead of working with the school police dept. to end the rampant computer theft.
Wow. Just Wow.
And if Ramsey's been married for 25 years as his website states, he knew Eddie Long back in the mid-80s'. No wonder Ramsey and family tried to start a Christian school, they had an expert friend. I guess we're lucky the school system is only paying New Birth $140,000 per could be even more!
The word was out in the community that the pulpit at New Birth was vacant. A pastor search committee was formed by 16 of the members. Through word of mouth, they received 37 applications. They prayed and extensively weeded out applications for weeks, conducting interviews and listening to taped sermons of pastors. Selected
applicants were invited to conduct a sermon at the Sunday services. New Birth was nearing a decision when church member Ronald Ramsey highly recommended a minister
named Rev. Eddie Long who had just performed Ramsey’s wedding ceremony.
Jeff Dickerson, since you are loving and praising Ronald Ramsey so much. Why don't you ask him why employees are not allowed to write their own affidavits. Why does he write and rearrange the wording? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Hey Ramsey's tripple dipping isn't unheard of.
Remember that Dr. Morcease J. Beasley, Interim Deputy Superintendent, even as head is in arguably the second most important position, head of academics and cirriculum in the 26th largest in America, is also a pastor starting a church in Covington (, and an educational/leadership consultant (
He must be as busy as Ron Ramsey.
Gloria Talley must have had it easy only working one job while running DCSS's academics.
And David Montane is going to love this:
Visit Dr. B's online resources to obtain Dr. B's book A Passion for Improving Schools or to purchase Dr. B's Hassle Free 2010 Checking Register.
Dr. B is with 'ya on your online check register!! Someone call peyton Walcott!!
Here's some analogies on the Ramsey situation:
Would a high ranking administrator at a large bank also own and run a new smaller bank on the side, and while serving as a state senator or representative?
Would a high ranking administrator at a large public college/university like Georgia State or Georgia Perimeter also own and run a small private Christian college on the side, and while serving as a state senator or representative?
Why is this guy allowed to do whatever the heck he wants? What was the justification of his $25,000 pay raise over only two year time?
Yvonne Butler was another "triple dipper": principal, author/nutritional advocate, motivational speaker ( And she would miss a time of time out of school during the school year.
Seeems like many of our DCSS administrators want to do everything but focus on their job at hand.
Thanks Open & Trans. for enlightening us and raising my blood pressure. It's time for a revolution in DeKalb Government. Our taxes continue to rise yet what are the taxpayers receiving? NOTHING except lawsuits and maybe a remodeled education building at New Birth, paid for by the DCSS taxpayers.
When will someone be shown the door? As long as these crooks are running our school system nothing is going to change. I hope that newly elected BOE members, Edler and Jester, will expose these things IN THE PUBLIC EYE!
A little sunshine on the crooks at DCSS will be a great disinfectant to rid ourselves of the mold and mildew that has grown around the Palace!
I have lost all respect for Jeff Dickerson. It's time for Dick Williams to ask him to leave the Georgia Gang. Jeff is too involved in the DeKalb Government to be able to give any HONEST opinions on the show.
2011 will be the year to clean out the Palace, if not DeKalb County is doomed for failure. Ms. Tyson let's start cleaning the palace out of these crooks! If not, you'll be shown the door before you can even get your complete and ridiculous pension.
"Why is this guy allowed to do whatever the heck he wants? What was the justification of his $25,000 pay raise over only two year time?"
Look at this DCSS website page. The only published salary schedule in DCSS. That's what the 2004 Compensation and Classification audit was tying to do:
Below is a quote from the news letter that Dr. Brown sent out to all employees:
"November, 2003, The DeKalb Dispatch, Dr. Brown’s internal newsletter:
“The DeKalb County School System expects to develop an objective, appropriate classification structure and a market-competitive compensation system. This structure will reflect fewer salary schedules; less distinct job titles; and job titles that comport with current industry nomenclature."
In other words he wanted to set 15 to 20 non-teaching salary classifications (e.g. Mechanic, Secretary, Director, Bus Driver, Director, etc.), decide on marketplace value in pay for those classifications, and then place all existing employees on the salary schedule (e.g. Mechanic step 6, Director - step 18).
Instead of implementing the recommendations of Dr. Brown and the independent auditor, Dr. Lewis ignored the financial implications (millions in over payments to 2,500 non-teaching employees) and merely renamed the titles of employees' jobs:
Grants Analyst became Grants Financial Analyst
Manager of Information Systems became Assistant Director of Information Systems
Coordinator of Psychoeducation Program became Assistant Director of Psychoeducation Programs,
Executive Assistant to Superintendent became Assistant to the Superintendent
Specialist, Accounts Payable became Accounts Payable Specialist
DCSS still ended up with over 360 non-teaching job titles.
Now you see why the Ms. Tyson and the BOE have suspended publication of the BOE meeting minutes on the DCSS BOE website for the first time since the DCSS BOE website began in 2002. They are required by law to have these minutes and make them available to the public.
Email Ms. Tyson and your BOE representative and ask his/her rationale for not publishing the BOE meeting minutes on the DCSS BOe website. Be sure to publish their response on DeKalb School Watch.
Sorry. I left off the teacher salary schedule DCSS webpage. As you can see, teachers are the only ones with a published salary schedule:
Anon @January 3, 2011 1:35 AM
"Lay off of the past. I assure you that Jester and Elder will correct everything, with the help of McChesney ( who happens to be the most vocal .. yet the weekest link. DeKalb need true leadership is Williamson, McGregor and the other great leader we had that were not intomicro-management and would neber depend on public input from annon. web discrumbled employees."
(quoted verbatim)
What is a discrumbled employee??
I think I know who posted this. The product of a South DeKalb education. Isn't that just wonderful?
Here's a hint: learn to SPELL CORRECTLY and USE PROPER ENGLISH GRAMMAR before tying to pass yourself off as educated, OK?
Back to Ron Ramsey: When Jeff Dickerson strongly defendd Ramsey on yesterday's Georgia Gang, it seemed like Dickerson knew it was coming.
Why in the heck would Ramsey randomly show Dickerson his past four years of timesheets? Dickerson said the timesheets are completely "auditable"? Who uses such terms?
Didn't Dickerson formerly work for New Birth (Ramsey brought Eddie Long to DeKalb)?
And who's to say that just because Ramsey filled out his timesheets so neatly that they are the actual hours he worked.
There is no possible way he's working full-time as a state senator during the legislative session for three months while working a 40 week for DCSS during the same time.
He's either not doing one of those jobs well, or not doing both well. Plus, he has his family's side businesses.
Speaking of "Computergate", guess what our BOE are voting to approve at today's meeting?
L.17. Wireless Laptops and Storage Carts.
Requested Action
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the purchase of 930 laptops, 93 storage carts, 93 printers, 93 access points, 93 switches, and associated services for use in Title 1 instructional programs at a cost of $1,174,541.26
There is rampant theft within our school system of Laptops! The department of internal affairs has NO CLUE what happened and has offered no solution or remedy for this to happen again.
Now the Board wants to spend over $1,000,000 on almost a 1,000 laptops and put them in the Title 1 schools?
What safe guards are in place to protect the investments/laptops?
Please contact your Board Member and let them know how angry this makes us all feel.
Sagamore 7
I'm very surprised the AJC, The Champion, The Crier, The Dunwoody Reporter, Crossroads or The DeKalb Neighbor haven't covered the computer theft at Henderson Middle, or the overall number of computer thefts throughout the system over the past year.
The AJC did cover the theft of the AC units over the summer, but never followed up. That was also a possible inside job according to my BOE rep.
Not sure why the school police dept. and Office of Internal Affairs allow such rampant theft to keep happening.
We need someone like State Rep. Mike Jacobs to write local legislation requiring DCSS to list all of its property loss. It's our tax money. This is an easy starter for Nancy Jester/Donna Edler to go after.
Better late than never, I guess:
lmost two years after a student committed suicide after reportedly being bullied, DeKalb County schools are launching Bullying Awareness Month.
And this is surely needed:
e parenting class offered in DeKalb
Wow! You are thorough! I applaud your effort, truly. And, as you can see from the many comments, people are grateful for what you are doing.
Yes, I hear tell from my contacts in Atlanta that corruption and graft is THE major root problem with the schools down there.
Two years ago I attempted to deliver a grievance to DCSS' Office of Internal Affairs on behalf of an ill friend who was unable to deliver it herself. Upon arrival at the office, I asked the receptionist to date and time-stamp the grievance form to show that it had been tendered in a timely fashion. I sat for 20 minutes and approached the receptionist again.
She said she was unable to do so, but would get someone who could...Finally, an assistant to Ramsey came out and told me they "couldn't accept the grievance." I said that as the deadline was that day, I couldn't leave until someone took and stamped the grievance. She turned from me, walking away, saying that I "could wait all night for all I (she) cared." I kid you not, and I am willing to testify to this in open court. I then went over to where the BOE was getting ready to meet. I saw Tom Bowen and asked him to assist me in getting the Office of Internal Affairs to follow the Board's own policy in filing grievance procedures. He had a secretary call over to tell them to "assist" me. I returned to the Internal Affairs office and again waited. I was finally escorted into Ramsey's office where he proceeded to scold me for lying about being the employee's attorney (I hadn't), that he had been busy and I couldn't expect to see him immediately (I told him I hadn't needed to see him at all in as much as filing the grievance should have been a simple clerical procedure and it was he and his staff that had turned it into a time-consuming event.) He continued to attempt to intimidate me into leaving without accepting the grievance. I continued to calmly tell him that I simply wasn't leaving until someone accepted the grievance and recorded it as having been tendered in a timely fashion. When he finally determined that I wasn't going to be bullied into leaving, he had an assistant come in to date-stamp the grievance. The whole experience felt like I was Alice in Wonderland run by the KGB or Gestapo. I called Tom Bowen's office the next day to follow-up with the episode. He NEVER returned my call.
The Office of Internal Affairs is worse than a case of the fox guarding the hen house. Ron Ramsy must go. Until he does, neither the BOE nor the top administration at DCSS can lay claim to any credibility and integrity.
Ramsey's a little guy, and has some Napolean complex in him.
Does Ron Ramsey have to sit through BOE meetings? If no, why not? Guess $140,000 a year isn't enough for him.
It is about time some one finally exposed Ronald Ramsey. If I am not mistaken, Ronald Ramsey, Vernon Jones, and Eddie Long all belong to the same same fraternity. (Kappa Alpha Psi)
Yvonne Sanders Butler bilked the school system out of thousands of dollars in numerous ways, first, this principal from what everyone knows was never at work, used school time to display her personal cookbooks,allowed book signings during school hours, took pictures for her magazines and book covers, made trips to Jackson State University and other places spreading un-validated information about nutrition. Had her Pcard investigated by Mr. Turk for buying items for her nutrition shows and engagements. Mr. Turk failed to report this to Mr. Ronald Ramsey mainly because of Butler's family friend , Edwards. Another bookgate seller of the DCSS. Butler is now bragging about how she is still being paid by the school system and is suing the system. (For What?) The school system should be visiting Butler in jail now.
Yet, Ronald Ramsey is under fire for doing dirt to others. Ramsey, always remember, how you treat others will always come back to haunt you. But, as one can see, the people that were never investigated by Ronald Ramsey are guilty as he is when it comes to hoarding DCSS money. Now, it is easy to see why Ronald Ramsey turned the other cheek. Let's hire Channel 2 and Fox 5 investigators and get rid of Ramsey. This man is getting rich off of DCSS and laughing all the way to the BANK!
I find it a bit sad that with all the redistricting and consolidation talk, Mr. Ramsey will be around for a while longer.
This guy is stealing from the DeKalb taxpayers! Please Ms. Tyson only you can make the tough decision of having an internal affairs division that actually takes care of ALL DCSS employees, not just the friends and family of the crooked leadership.
Nobody is happier than Ron Ramsey and Robert Tucker about re-districting as it's taken their names off the burner!
Well, if we're going to do the redistricting and renovations necessary to make this happen, we need someone who will watch what happens to those millions of dollars. Ron Ramsey didn't watch out for our tax dollars before. What makes anyone think he will now? He needs to be replaced with someone who will look out for the taxpayers not the Central Office players.
I afraid his real job may be to look after the bishop....
Hey Ron, the top political blog in the state is also wondering why you suck so bad at your job (or at least the DCSS job or your many jobs):
Don't forget about the convicted felon he has on the payroll doing his PR/Video. Where's that on his campaign disclosure?
okay -- anyone with a real, legitimate complaint with the department of internal affairs and how their compalaiint were (or were not) handled as part of the school system, please go ahead and contact Sally Yates and/or the public fraud division of the FBI and launch a complaint. Believe it or not, this approach with the DeKalb DA did really make a difference a year ago -- let's try it again with the feds.... Thanks. Please make sure you have hard, real evidence and hard, real complaints but each person has a small piece of a large puzzle that an investigator would need to piece it all together and each person needs to bring their small piece of the puzzle to the surface to make a difference.
Wasn't Mr Ramsey a municipal court Judge in Stone Mountain? Shouldn't he understand the need for swift investigations and protecting the public? There is something very wrong with this picture. Lewis is from Stone Mountain, hired Ramsey for Internal Affairs and was allowed to have scandal after scandal pass by unnoticed.
Ms Tyson better be careful, many people are digging for links, including myself, and if there is a link between Ramsey and any of the individuals involved in the scandals it will be exposed. Ms Tyson will not be spared, nor will the school board who just gave her a $76,000 raise.
Is it true the CLewis recommended Ramona Tyson to be interim over all of the other over-paid cabinet members? If this is true, it should be apparent why all of the people connected to him are still around, especially the one that allegedly went on those trips with him. Why do so many of these people who are doing very little, make more than the governor? Tyson is smarter than many give her credit for. She timed her request for extreme compensation just right. Personally, I would not be intimidated by SACS coming. Give her a bonus and find a superintendent who is well rounded and who would not be intimidated by friends and family. Is there a way to set up a fund whereby a lawyer can be hired to get rid of so many of these useless people who are abusing taxpayer dollars? Seems like many of them are snubbing their noses at the taxpayers and continuing to do just what they've always done. I'm glad that I believe in karma.
Anon. 4:27. Tyson was selected by CLew. Go back to the archives of this blog. The majority of the posters here were calling for an interim Super who could and would fire everyone connected with Clew. If the new Super arrives and all these folks are still in place, the new Super will be railroaded out of here faster than you can say, "I work at the Palace and make 6 figures."
Last month, when she asked for her raise, Ms. Tyson should have shown some sacrifice on her part by firing Moseley, Thompson, Mitchell-Mayfield and Audria (I went on a trip with Clew) Berry, before this plan was presented. Everyone asks for sacrifice of the parents and teachers, well Ms. Tyson it's time you start sacrificing the very people who have not done their jobs, like Audria Berry, since becoming the director of school improvement, 35% more of DCSS schools have failed to make AYP. Plus, her staff has almost doubled in size and salary during that time. Plus, that department has paid for expensive programs that have shown NO return on investment. To this day, I can't believe all these six figure employees had no idea what Pope and CLew were up to. Especially, Moseley and Thompson. They had to know something!
Ms. Tyson want to get more stakeholders on board with your plan? Start trimming the staff at the Palace and make the transition for the new Super less painful.
"Wasn't Mr Ramsey a municipal court Judge in Stone Mountain?"
Why does one leave a judgeship to work for a school system?
Because you have time to run multiple businesses including a school/daycare, while making $25-30k as a state senator, while (alledgely) working a very important full-time job for the 26th largest school ssytem in the U.S., making a $140,000 annual salary plus great benefits, even though you had no experience in education. And for a school system that pays a a retired administrator big bucks to run the show while you're gone.
Judges can't be state senators. Judges aren't running multiple businesses. Judges can't take three months a year off of their job.
Now wouldn't you have stepped down as a judge too?
Port Arthur Superintendent Dr. Johnny Brown decided to have the audit to see how PAISD measures up to other districts across the country.
Morcease Beasley is on familiar territory, but in an unfamiliar environment.
"I love it, this is my first time in Southeast Texas, but it's not that different from where I'm from."
Beasley is the principal of a high school in Dekalb County, Georgia. He's here in Southeast Texas to listen, evaluate and advise.
"There are some great things going on at Memorial High. We will give them specific data to improve on to help move the school to the next level."
Beasley is one of among four out of town educators, who have teamed up with four local administers to identify what the district is doing correctly and to point out areas that need improvement.
So Morcease Beasley did an audit for his uncle Johnny Brown's school system, then went to work for him? I hope he wasn't at Port Arthur during the school year doing the audit as he was a principal in DeKalb at the time.
Guess he's used to working other jobs during the school year.
I hope he wasn't at Port Arthur during the school year doing the audit as he was a principal in DeKalb at the time.">
This is a petty comment on your part. The better question would have been "by what merit or expertise was Dr. Beasley selected for such an honor as Stephenson High School was no shining beacon on the hill?"
Why did I say petty? Because having administrators from one school system evaluate another system is common place. I expect that it was all within the rules and legal.
The better question would have been "by what merit or expertise was Dr. Beasley selected for such an honor as Stephenson High School was no shining beacon on the hill?
-It sure helped that he's Johnny Brown's nephew!! Wonder how much he got paid by his uncle?
Why did I say petty? Because having administrators from one school system evaluate another system is common place. I expect that it was all within the rules and legal.
-Yep, but it's even more common to have retired principals and administrators perform an outside audit. Especially during the school year.
It is simply not acceptable for a sitting principal to leave her/his school during the school year to perform an audit on another school system.
"having administrators from one school system evaluate another system is common place"
Really? Really? How many outside principals and administarors from other school systems have Dekalb County brought in to perform an audit? This school year, last, the year before? I thought SACS sort of performs this service, directly or indirectly.
Anon 10:51, you sure don't seem to know your stuff.
"I expect that it was all within the rules and legal."
You have a higher regard for the Ramsey/Tucker Office of Student Improvement than I do.
And didn't the BOE approve of new policies and procedures after the Butler/Simpson Bookgate scandal because the previous policies and procedures were so weak? That in itself was a repudiation of the Ramsey/Tucker office of School Improvement.
I didn't know Beasley was Johnny Brown's nephew?
The nepotism plot gets thicker and deeper!
The "Friends of Dekalb" which is part of the Dekalb Libertarian Party are currently auditing DCSS.
I will contact David Montaine, president of the organization and ask for an update.
Stay tuned.
Happy snow day!
Johnny Brown is not Morcease Beasley's nephew. He is his close friend according to all news reports and Ms. Beasley's self promotional book telling of his positive impact on students.
Brown brought Beasley to Port Arthur for an audit and to introduce him to the Port Arthur school board as an "expect" in the instruction and curriculum area. This paved the way for Brown to bring Beasley in as head of Curriculum and Instruction.
Brown had a habit of bringing his trusted sidekicks with him - witness Abbe Boring who followed him from Texas to Alabama and then to Georgia. Then she moved back to Texas as a superintendent of a small district shortly Brown moved back to Texas. Another example was Morcease Beasley who followed him from Alabama to Georgia to Texas.
Thank you for clarification on Brown and Beasley.
Any lawyers out there know if the intellectual property rights to something like Drumline belong to the county (e.g. taxpayers)? I thought if someething like that is based on and learned on the employer's dime it belongs to the employer......
I'm not a lawyer but I did sleep in a Holiday Inn a few weeks ago. The county does not have a copyright to Drumline so there are no IP violations.
I did speak to a couple of lawyer friends over the weekend and CLew's lawyer broke several laws by representing him while his firm is retained by Parsons Construction Co.
Every lawyer that I have ever spoken to checks their client list before I can ask a question about a person/company to make sure there is not an existing client/lawyer relationship.
The Dekalb DA has a open/shut case regarding the ex-defense attorney for CLew. He should be disbarred or extremely censured.
Just letting the taxpayers know about the breach of law.
Anon 5:18 - No IP infringement but can anyone explain to me how Don Roberts can play theatre impresario when he has a $100,000/year full time job ostensibly overseeing music instruction in DCSS??? Why is this man still employed??? It is so clear to me that this school system is not even operating under the pretense of educating students, but operates for the enrichment of adults. I hope the D.A. takes note.
is it the DA who may owe his successfulreelection to New Birth or do folks really need to bring things like this to the FBI and the US Attorney?
I think Lewis had his attorney before DCSS hired Parsons or at least before Lewis was charged.
You answer is flawed.
A lawyer will not walk away from a client because his firm is trying to be retained by another client.
Parson Construction would have hired a different lawyer to defend them in this lawsuit if they were trying to hire Clew's law firm.
I'll triple check the statutes, what about you?
"Anon 5:18 - No IP infringement but can anyone explain to me how Don Roberts can play theatre impresario when he has a $100,000/year full time job ostensibly overseeing music instruction in DCSS???"
Please, please, please don't tell me that Don Roberts, as the system's the instrumental coordinator, isn't another administrator making over $100,000 per year plus benefits!!
Why can't any administrator make in the 70's, 80's or 90's?? What do his counterparts in Fulton, Gwinnett, Cobb, Clayton and Atlanta make, if they even have counterparts!!
I hope that the Central Office looks at Don Roberts schedule, and that his Drunline tour, which sounds awesome, doesn't take him away from his DCSS job for even a minute, unless he has taken an unpaid leave of absence, which is the only sane course of action for Jackson and the school system.
Anon 6:10 - take a look at this link. I think you'll cringe over the last quote about Roberts' "day job."
ROBERTS,DON P INSTRUCTIONAL SUPERVISOR $91,512.00 (salary) $2,188.88 (travel)
Petty again.
We are losing the moral high ground when are petty!
Why can't the guy another job? As long as he puts in his 40 hours+ weeks and the required days.
My child's AP English teacher is teaches night school.
Was someone upset that he uses "good" instead of "well"?
We are losing the moral high ground when are petty!
Actually, it's not petty to ask that the head of Internal Investigations investigates employees who are subsequently brought up on racketeering charges, employees who use county money to go with their mistress to the Bahamas, the superintendent's mistress who doubles her salary and receives promotions that place her in a position of setting policy for DCSS students within 5 years, allegations of teachers stating that they were pressured to change grades or had their grades changed without their permission (against state law).
I agree grammar mistakes and having a part time job is petty. But what Mr. Ramsey failed to investigate cost taxpayers tens of millions and many children will NEVER regain their educational opportunities. This employee needs to be fired. He is obviously only there because he was a Lewis crony.
Anon 9:17:
Petty??? Petty??? Are you freaking kidding me? Don Roberts is MAKING MONEY OFF THE CHILDREN IN OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. I am astounded that you do not see the boundaries he is breaching by utilizing his position as Director of Bands to create a theatrical production THAT RETURNS INCOME TO HIS OWN POCKET. Moreover, do you actually think he could promote "Drumline" and its international tour, no less, and still punch a 40+ hour time clock as required by SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL AT THE CENTRAL OFFICE???
It would be fine if he were teaching band in night school. Opposing that would be petty. But that wouldn't involve his using DEKALB COUNTY RESOURCES TO PERSONALLY TO ENRICH HIMSELF. If you think this is kosher, you probably thought all the book deals were just fine as well. Sheesh.
Anon 9:17 here.
It is petty to want to investigate any one who has a side venture UNLESS they are selling books back to the system; getting kick backs; not reporting to work; take mistress to Bahamas..etc....
Keep the moral high ground: that is all we have to fight DCSS
Sounds like another Yvonne Butler. Nice to hear his overwhelming dedication to the students of DeKalb.
I really, really hope someone is chcking the hours he "works".
"But the theatrical world is tough, which is part of the reason I haven’t quit my job yet"
Q: What have you learned along the way about the world of theater?
A: One thing that it’s taught me is that you can be here today and gone tomorrow. You can be extremely hot, you can be the best production, but if you go cold, you could shut down. ... So it keeps me working and keeps me hungry, because I want to do this for the rest of my life. ... Eventually we’d like to do Broadway. But the theatrical world is tough, which is part of the reason I haven’t quit my job yet. [Laughs]
It isn't about having another job in your spare time, but it is about asking how he does it and if he ever uses his time at his day job to work on other jobs. If phone records, are checked, what will be uncovered?
Does anyone remember about 7-8 years ago, the school system hired a former pro athlete to be a "motivational speaker". He had a big salary and no official hours. He got in trouble for making some anti-gay comments to a class, and the resulting media frenzy actually got him fired.
The Ramsey/Tucker Office of Internal Affairs has always been selective on who it goes after. This "speaker" worked for a few years with no official hours??!!
The new superintendent must fire Ramsey and Tucker when she/he starts on July 1st.
This is getting petty. If what Don Roberts is doing is questionable, how about any employee that sells Mary Kay/Amway or related products, girl scout cookies, their children's fundraiser trinkets, advertise their side businesses, etc. Seems like some are saying is that if taxpayers are paying your salary, we own you and you can't do anything else to supplement your income, especially during school hours.
Is there anyone here that has not taken a personal call during work hours? Has anyone ever made copies of their children's school work using the office copier? Does your employer check your phone records to make sure you are only using work resources for work purposes?
Danny Buggs, with his famous quote:
"If we can stand against drugs, if we can stand against alcohol, if we can stand against violence, we definitely ought to be able to stand against homosexuality,"
And Ramsey & Tucker's Office of School Improvement was so slack that Buggs waited over four months to attend his mandatory training!!!
"Buggs had not taken the required in-house training in the four months since his suspension,"
Speaker ordered to take diversity classes
Mae Gentry - Atlanta Journal-Constitution Staff
Controversial DeKalb County schools motivational speaker Danny Buggs, suspended last fall for making derogatory remarks about gays, was ordered to begin diversity training Tuesday after he spoke out against homosexuality at a school board meeting.
Buggs had not taken the required in-house training in the four months since his suspension, even though that was part of the agreement reinstating him.
"Three classes have been scheduled," Sterling Thomas, executive assistant to superintendent Johnny Brown, said Tuesday. "Danny is attending the first one this evening."
Buggs reignited the controversy at a DeKalb school board work session Monday night when he criticized the board for amending its harassment policy. The amended policy, which Buggs derided as "The Daniel Buggs Law," includes harassment based on sexual orientation.
"If we can stand against drugs, if we can stand against alcohol, if we can stand against violence, we definitely ought to be able to stand against homosexuality," Buggs told the board.
After Buggs made anti-gay comments in September at an all-male assembly at Stone Mountain High School, district officials reprimanded him and suspended him without pay for three days. He was required to undergo diversity training.
Board member Bebe Joyner said Buggs' remarks Monday were his personal opinion.
"I sincerely hope he is not sharing those opinions in a classroom with our students during the school day," said Joyner, who is being honored tonight with the Anti-Defamation League "Unsung Hero Award" for introducing the harassment policy amendment.
In 1981, the [DeKalb County, Ga.] school system made [former professional football player Danny Buggs] a “motivational speaker.” He earns $74,200 a year. Buggs trains “boys to become men.” At a Stone Mountain High School boys-only assembly program in September [2002], Buggs proclaimed “God made Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve, I hope that there are not any [epithet deleted] in here.”
Cynthia Tucker, “Opinion: Let’s Motivate School Board to Fire Buggs,” Atlanta
Journal-Constitution, November 6, 2002.
This is incredibly interesting!! When did Ramona start as head of MIS? When Buggs was suspended, he was ordered to take sensitivity training. But he did not for at least the first four months after the suspension. Who did he have to report to as part of the suspension? "Mr. Buggs is now required report to the district's head of management and information systems."
At a Board of Ed meeting a few months later, Buggs attacked the board with his famous comment" "If we can stand against drugs, if we can stand against alcohol, if we can stand against violence, we definitely ought to be able to stand against homosexuality," Buggs told the board.
Buggs was out of control...was Ramona head of MIS at the time???
DeKalb County Speaker Ordered To Take Diversity Training
The DeKalb County, Ga., school system, which has been feeling the heat over remarks allegedly made by former National Football League player Danny Buggs, has again ordered him to take diversity classes.
Mr. Buggs, who has been employed as a motivational speaker for the district since 1982, was reprimanded last September after he allegedly made several derogatory remarks about gay people before an all-male assembly at the 1,500-student Stone Mountain High School.
The former Washington Redskins wide receiver was suspended without pay for three days, ordered to take diversity training, and placed under direct supervision for the first time in his career with the district, said Mary Stimmel, a spokeswoman for the 93,000-student district. Mr. Buggs is now required to report to the district's head of management and information systems.
As a result of the incident, the DeKalb County school board decided to expand its anti-harassment policy to include harassment based on sexual orientation.
When Mr. Buggs appeared as a private citizen at a March 3 meeting to express his disagreement with the proposed policy, however, district officials became aware that he had not taken the required training.
Mr. Buggs has now completed about half the required diversity courses, which include a professional-development course on sexual harassment.He was unavailable for comment.
Anon 8:45, are you serious? Have you ever worked in a professional workplace???
"Seems like some are saying is that if taxpayers are paying your salary, we own you and you can't do anything else to supplement your income, especially during school hours.
Is there anyone here that has not taken a personal call during work hours? Has anyone ever made copies of their children's school work using the office copier? Does your employer check your phone records to make sure you are only using work resources for work purposes?"
No one is saying a school system employee can't supplement their income.
But when their outside interests take away from their actual DCSS full-time job, then we have problems.
Yvonne Butler blatantly left her school often during the school year to make appearance and be a paid speaker.
No one with half a mind believes that Ron Ramsey works a 40 work week while the state senate is in session, plus he runs multiple family businesses. he should be on paid leave of absence when the senate is in session.
And with Ramsey being out, taxpayers are on the hook to pay Robert Tucker a large salary to fill in for Ramsey, even though we also pay Tucker's full retirement.
Parents should be very skeptical of Morcease beasely. How is the person in charge of academics also starting a new church and running a side business as a consultant/coach/speaker/selling of software?
We aren't talking about a quick call to your kids during the work day. We aren't talking about making two pages of copies for a kids homework assignment.
We're talking about legitimate fraud.
It's a legitmate question to ask if Don Robert's traveling show, which by all means appears to be a major time commitment, takes away from his year-round, full-time position as the school system's instrumental coordinator, a school system with 96-97,000 students.
C'mon Anon 8:45, are you really that naive?
"you can't do anything else to supplement your income, especially during school hours."
Of course you shouldn't be supplementing your salary DURING SCHOOL HOURS!!!
DO whatever after the work day, but darn no to making money when you're on the clock for DCSS!!
Is that you Yvonne Butler, making such a crazy comment??
Really inteesting about Danny Buggs
He was then to report to "the district's head of management and information systems"
-This was 2003. Who was head of MIS in 2003?
-He didn't take he mandated training for at least four months.
-He went to a board meeting and blasted them for the new policies they drafted about hate speech.
former Washington Redskins wide receiver was suspended without pay for three days, ordered to take diversity training, and placed under direct supervision for the first time in his career with the district, said Mary Stimmel, a spokeswoman for the 93,000-student district. Mr. Buggs is now required to report to the district's head of management and information systems.
As a result of the incident, the DeKalb County school board decided to expand its anti-harassment policy to include harassment based on sexual orientation.
When Mr. Buggs appeared as a private citizen at a March 3 meeting to express his disagreement with the proposed policy, however, district officials became aware that he had not taken the required training.
"When Mr. Buggs appeared as a private citizen at a March 3 meeting to express his disagreement with the proposed policy, however, district officials became aware that he had not taken the required training."
So wait, he was supposed to report to the head of MIS. And that person and the staff did not know he didn't attend his required training until AFTER he came to a BOE meeting and went off on them. And that was four months after he was required to take traing??
Who was head of MIS in early 2003???
I ask the question: has Roberts usurped an opportunity that really belongs to the taxpayers and DCSS? (The same could be said for the books). His entire premise and show revolve around his experience as band director at SWDk -- it is not possible that much of the time involved in getting this pulled off wasn't done on "school time" -- this is a neat project -- I say it should belong to DCSS and the benefit of it should be to the taxpayer and we should receive the proceedes of the hit... we desperately need money. Further, we desperately need a policy that our upper echelon needs to choose a job -- there are only 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week -- 52 weeks a year -- one can only "give their all" to so many enterprises at once and if the taxpayers are funding one enterprise at a certain level, that should preclude other entereprises. I think it's an inherent conflict of interests and sends a very bad message to the lower staff -- I also don't think it's remotely possible that they are giving their "all" to their DCSS job if they are working so many other jobs. Perhaps, it's the clearest message of all that we have waaaaaay tooooo many people in central office because they can do oh sooooo much -- how many in corporate American can have so many simultaneous major projects? I understand that it may be necessary for teachers to tutor or to sell something like Tupperware or Creative Memories to supplment income but there is a way to ensure that that would be on their own time and not while they are supposed to be at school.
Buggs sounds like the Bishop....
Anon 9:02, if you REALLY believe your allegations are true and Ron Ramsey, Don Roberts, and others (excluding Yvonne Butler) are doing something illegal, file a complaint with either the Georgia Professional Standards Commission or the Georgia Ethics Commission. You say there is legitimate fraud. If so, it should be easy to prove.
It should be noted that there have been other educators around the state that have served in the legislature. Perhaps your inquiry should be for anyone in this category.
fyi -- I met someone who was a lawyer for Atlanta Legal Aid -- she wanted to run for the GA Legislature and her issue was that she could not continue her job with Legal Aid and run for and serve in the Legislature -- they wouldn't allow it... We had a long discussion of the types of jobs one could hold and serve and how it would make sense if the legislature met over the summer so teachers could serve and how it would then be easier for accountants (it wouldn't be during tax season). I'm not sure why Atlanta Legal Aid won't let one of it's lawyers serve in the legislature but the chief compliance officer of DCSS can serve? That really doesn't make much sense (perhaps its the Bishop factor that's missing but I'm missing something).
Funny how it seems when there's an issue with non-DCSS work and businesses, it's administrators who are getting in trouble.
I believe teachers who supplement their income have a little bit more responsibility and professional ethics, and make sure their outside interests don't take away from their classroom duties.
Too bad we can't say the same about high paid administrations like Ramsey, Butler, Simpson, Beasely and now Jackson.
Who was head of MIS in early 2003???
I believe it was Dr. Ed Bouie. He also spoke at the last Board meeting.
Oh no! Weather has forced the Cobb Energy Center to cancel tomorrow's "Drumline" performance. It will be rescheduled for Jan 24th! Call Ticketmaster if you need refunds on your tickets, which RANGE IN PRICE FROM $63 TO $43 TO $23 TO $13 plus fees! All proceeds go to purchase new band uniforms for... no, wait. That is incorrect. Where do you suppose the proceeds do go?
While these other individuals may be involved in extra activities, let us stay focused on the individual who is being paid big tax payer monies to monitor these kinds of activites.
So the 2011 Georgia Legislative Session has started. If Ron Ramsey can work his 40 hours a week at DCSS as head of Internal Affairs, and perform all his duties as a state senator, with all the votes, committee meetings, meetings with constituents, and ahem, lobbyists, then he's a better man than me.
Bless his heart. And you two, Jeff Dickerson. Yes Jeff, I know, Ron has the timesheets to prove it. They're "auditable".
Where is Yvonne Butler? Is she still working for DCSS? She milked the system almost dry and then from what is being said, "She is suing the cow"- Dekalb County School System" for firing her
At one time,she also made lots of un-reported money at her former school using students art work to promote some type of arts gala we are told. Parents purchased tickets and she made her poor teachers put out$50.00 or $25.00 ads out of their own pockets.
Can the school system (Ramsey) locate any of this money? Browns Mill Arts Gala, plus Bookgate.
Now what happened to the funds from the money raised on her arts gala?
More than 50 lawyers vie for DeKalb judgeships
3:48 pm, March 7th, 2011
The Judicial Nominating Commission has appointed a subcommittee to vet more than 50 nominees for two open DeKalb State Court judgeships.
JNC Co-Chair Pete Robinson of Troutman Sanders will chair the three-lawyer subcommittee, working with DeKalb District Attorney Robert James and Chris Carr, chief of staff for U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson. The subcommittee will conduct a preliminary review of nominees and make a recommendation at the JNC’s next meeting, which has not yet been scheduled but likely will occur later this month.
The open judgeships were created by the resignation of Barbara Mobley, who stepped down to end a Judicial Qualifications Commission inquiry, and J. Antonio DelCampo, who announced he was leaving to join plaintiffs’ firm Harris Penn Lowry.
The nominees are: Angela Afflick; Akintunde Akinyele; Charles Bailey; Gina Bernard; Kimberly Blackwell; Scott Bonder; Lynne Borsuk; Todd Boyce; Marco Corales; Robert Dallas; La Tisha Dear; Fatima El-Amin; John Gatto; Sylvia Goldman; Jason Graham; Joseph Hardy; James Hollingsworth; Stacey Hydrick; Yvonne Hawks; James Hays; Asha Jackson; Laurene Jackson; Claire Jason; Kenneth Jones; Henry Kwak; David Lipton; Greg Lohmeier; Nicole Marchand; Johnny Mason; Matt McCoyd; Toni McDowell; Dionne McGee; Curtis Miller; James Miller; Michael Miller; Jody Peskin; Ronald Ramsey; Stefan Ritter; Eleanor Ross; Michael Rothenberg; Anton Rowe; Thomas Stubbs; Christopher Timmons; Caroly Torres-Mable; Denise Warner; Roreita Walker; Thomas Walker; Carol Walker-Russell; Charles Webb; Natalie Wilkes and Phyllis Williams.
Ron Ramsey Bombshell below.
Guess having a high paid six figure DCSS job that allows him to be off at the state senate for three months plus giving him time to run multiple family businesses is not enough!
More than 50 lawyers vie for DeKalb judgeships
The Judicial Nominating Commission has appointed a subcommittee to vet more than 50 nominees for two open DeKalb State Court judgeships.
JNC Co-Chair Pete Robinson of Troutman Sanders will chair the three-lawyer subcommittee, working with DeKalb District Attorney Robert James and Chris Carr, chief of staff for U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson. The subcommittee will conduct a preliminary review of nominees and make a recommendation at the JNC’s next meeting, which has not yet been scheduled but likely will occur later this month.
The open judgeships were created by the resignation of Barbara Mobley, who stepped down to end a Judicial Qualifications Commission inquiry, and J. Antonio DelCampo, who announced he was leaving to join plaintiffs’ firm Harris Penn Lowry.
The nominees are: Angela Afflick; Akintunde Akinyele; Charles Bailey; Gina Bernard; Kimberly Blackwell; Scott Bonder; Lynne Borsuk; Todd Boyce; Marco Corales; Robert Dallas; La Tisha Dear; Fatima El-Amin; John Gatto; Sylvia Goldman; Jason Graham; Joseph Hardy; James Hollingsworth; Stacey Hydrick; Yvonne Hawks; James Hays; Asha Jackson; Laurene Jackson; Claire Jason; Kenneth Jones; Henry Kwak; David Lipton; Greg Lohmeier; Nicole Marchand; Johnny Mason; Matt McCoyd; Toni McDowell; Dionne McGee; Curtis Miller; James Miller; Michael Miller; Jody Peskin; Ronald Ramsey; Stefan Ritter; Eleanor Ross; Michael Rothenberg; Anton Rowe; Thomas Stubbs; Christopher Timmons; Caroly Torres-Mable; Denise Warner; Roreita Walker; Thomas Walker; Carol Walker-Russell; Charles Webb; Natalie Wilkes and Phyllis Williams.
Hey Folks: Don't forget that Ronald B. (Ron) Ramsey shut down a teacher's grievance hearing before it really got off the ground because he apparently didn't like the allegations in the grievance...systematic cheating at Clarkston High. This happened in the Spring 2009 BEFORE the cheating scandal broke wide open in the news. The MACE teachers union was representing the teacher in the hearing. Later, apparently Ramsey got together with that joke of a lawyer, Josie Alexander, and tried to "ban" Dr. John Trotter of MACE. Trotter would not roll over and play dead as Ramsey was illegally shutting down the meeting. He expressed his total disgust that a State Senator would unconscionably and egregiously violate the law that he is apparently sworn to uphold. Trotter gave Ramsey a "thorough and sifting" verbal reprimand. I guess Ramsey couldn't take the heat!
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